Looking for add-on to make it easier to learn for mistakes

I often find myself making the same mistakes repeatedly. This is especially noticeable with newly learned items since I encounter them frequently, but it’s less obvious with items from previous levels.

The “Recent Mistakes” section is great, but I’m wondering if there are any add-ons that provide more insight. Do you know of any add-ons that could make learning from mistakes easier? For example, something that visualizes mistakes I’ve made over the past week or month, or highlights items that I answer incorrectly multiple times?

Thanks in advance!

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WaniKani History used to have in-depth stats about that stuff but it’s been broken since the review API was taken to a farm upstate…

You could use WaniKani Statistics to get a visualization of items which you struggling with (i.e. leeches). It will quickly surface old items you are failing to progress.

There are also several user scripts that have been devleloped to provide functionality to address this. If you hop over the API and Thirdpary Apps section of the forums and search there will find them. I have never used any of them, so no idea if they are worthwhile or still working.

Also, I believe the user script Self Study Quiz includes settings/filters to focus reviews on items you have problems with.