I can’t believe that I’ve reached the last level! WaniKani has become such a constant, enjoyable and challenging part of my daily routine that I’m starting to miss the reviews and lessons as they have started to decline. I’ve truly felt myself grow over the course of the levels, both in Japanese and my own willpower to stick to things.
Hopefully, if the travel bans are lifted, I’ll be moving to Japan in the next few months. So what a great time to get this far! Now to enjoy the burns while they last…
According to one of the heatmap extensions I’ve been using, it took me 543 days! I started using WK in September 2019 (I remember as it was the month after I got back from a conference trip in Japan!).
I was quite focused at times on blasting through the levels, but as you can see there were a few levels where I held back a bit to let the reviews die down.
Fingers crossed.
I’m really really really jealous, I doubt I will be able to move there for at least another 10 years.
But joking aside I really am happy for you.
I think for me it was just about settling into a rhythm. I was unfortunately lucky in that as soon as it started to “click” for me (around level 14-15 or so), my country went into lockdown until the summer. So, for those months, WaniKani was really helpful in helping me stick to a routine! That explains the long-stretch in the middle when I was very consistent.
@PaleDragon , thanks! I had been exploring wkstats, but I just realized that the reason why I didn’t recognize the graph is because I’m so early on, haha
@Vespa , wonderful to hear! Btw, I recently saw a post about https://koohi.cafe/ Might be something you’d be interested now that you’ve reached the final level!