Level 21 before 2021!

I just wanted to share, after 309 days on level 6 I finally leveled-up! When I first started Wanikani I had no plan at all and my progress showed it. But reaching level 21 (or higher!) by 2021 finally feels achievable. Would highly advise using the 4hr/8hr/12hr schedule to all the newbies out there! Good luck everybody :facepunch:t4::facepunch:t4:


Absolutely! Welcome! New Year’s Eve is in 33 weeks, so you have lots of time!

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Yay! Congrats on your level up! And have fun with the new vocab and kanji!

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Reached Level 9 a couple days ago but forgot to post here! How is level 8 going @Marifly? I am basically on a paid vacation at the moment due to Coronavirus so I should be able to get a couple levels in this month. (Off until June until the State of Emergency is hopefully finished in Osaka).


Yay for level 9! Almost halfway there! Your level still shows as 8 in the community though. You may have to sign out of Wanikani (the main page, not the community) and sign in again before your level is correct here.

I’m doing OK with level 8! I had a mountain of apprentice items right after levelling up and felt like I was drowning, but now I’m OK. I always tell myself not to do more than 20 lessons per day, and I always fail to listen to my own advice. I never learn :wink:

I hope to level up late this week or early next week. We’ll see! I have some bad leaches now so it’s OK if it takes me a little longer to level up this time.


Thanks! Yes I see it more as a motivation to join in here, and not as a must per se.


Hey, guys just wanted to let you know that with a VPN you are able to access Netflix Japan with a great number of Japanese shows (with subs). You don’t even need a new account if you already have a Netflix account.

I’m starting with どらえもん and しんちゃん. I did not understand most of it but it will be great practice, especially as you develop your vocab.

The above two tv shows were recommended here and other resources. They are aimed at kids.



Yeah, I’ve been watching Doraemon with a VPN too. I’ve also been enjoying Rilakumma which is available in all(?) countries. It’s pretty simple dialog, not too hard so far


I’d like to join. I’m currently working through level 5.


Welcome! You can do it!


I really love this music video! :slight_smile:


Congrats on the progress!

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Found this a couple of months ago, nice lil bop


I think that the intent to limit yourself is what is more important than actually limiting yourself. Rephrasing your study in terms of items you “get to study” has been really helpful for me. I try to limit my lessons to around the same but sometimes I treat myself and do more. I actually end up retaining alot more anyways. Before I was always daunted by the fact that I “had” to complete a certain number of reviews each day. Now each additional lesson is a reward. Basic operant conditioning at its finest :joy:


Weekly Update CW20 :mailbox_with_mail:

Hello again everybody!

Attached you will find the lastest version of the leaderboard, as well as some simple level projections!

As you can see, even if you are just starting up now or are planning to reset, it is still very much possible to make it in time in a moderate pace. :slight_smile:
Also, congrats to everybody who leveled up this week! :hot_face:
ウィ・キャン・ドゥ・イット! :sparkles:

PS: If you haven’t noticed yet, you can now also add yourself to the Leaderboard in the Wiki in the first post. 2021 Leaderboard Wiki

Leaderboard :rocket:

Setting up the Leaderboard

The Leaderboard can be installed to your Dashboard via the following Userscript:
[Userscript] Wanikani Leaderboard

If you are missing in the Leaderboard or want to join, just write it here or add your name to the Wiki in the first post! :slight_smile:

Projections :chart_with_upwards_trend:

There are 33 weeks left until 2020-12-31T23:00:00Z

Your pace ⇉ by 2021 Your lvl ⇉ avg pace
20 days / lvl +11 levels I level 1 11 days / lvl
14 days / lvl +16 levels I level 5 14 days / lvl
10 days / lvl +23 levels I level 10 21 days / lvl
7 days / lvl +33 levels I level 15 38 days / lvl

Oh man that’s fire.
How do you read 北上? Is it ほくじょう or きたかみ?


Know I’m a bit late to the part here but I would totally like to join you guys, my plan is to be at level 30 by the end of the year (currently level 6) I think that should be a comfortable speed for me not too fast but not too slow either (although I reckon I will be going a little faster while I have extra free time in lockdown)


I reset back to level 8 so I’m not sure why my community avatar shows level 10. Anyway! Happy to join this! I’ve reset from level 10 to level 5, then reset from level 15 to level 10 then reset from level 13 to level 8. Maybe this time it’ll stick!


This music video could be a promotional video for WaniKani haha! I can understand so much of the kanji )^o^( thanks for sharing!


I’m going for the same goal! From level six I think it averages to about 9-10 days/level. 頑張りましょうね :smile: