I would like the opportunity to type the word when first presented to make sure I’m reading it write and typing it right.
Especially after getting a word wrong, there is no opportunity to correct my mistake immediately. I’ve reinforced the wrong word with muscle memory and I can only look at the correct word. I’ve just typed it wrong, I would like to type it right before moving on (without going to an external source).
There are times I get the same word wrong multiple times, and at that point I’m just reinforcing the wrong word multiple times and it becomes even harder to learn correctly.
Statistically, if you get item 50% wrong, you truly don’t know the answer. If you get it 100% wrong, you already learned how not to do it. Trust the SRS, eventually your brain will flag the “first obvious” answer as “not this one”, and burning it into your memory only helps you remember which one is not the answer. It happens from time to time to exceptions.
The test of learning an item is to type it back in. I should train by typing it in, not just looking at it and assuming I can type it later.
Instead it just lets me move on, with my most recent typed answer being incorrect. So when it comes up in the list again, I’ve typed it wrong, read the answer, then I have to type it in again. Merely reading the answer shouldn’t be the correction to writing an answer incorrectly.
This might be what you are looking for in terms of script.
You could do you reviews together like the reading and the meaning.
And if you get it wrong you can repeat until correct without the other reviews coming.