Lessons Error?

Hello, have anyone ever experience error lessons?
I was just trying to do the lessons but the app showed me 100 reviews
What should we do if that happen? Screenshot_20201226_064728|690x261

Which app are you referring to? It would be best to ask in its dedicated thread if there’s an error. That way the user who made it will probably see it.

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Looks like this is with flaming durtles. Maybe you accidentally selected reviews? There should be a abandon review option when you click the triple dots on the top right corner

Though looking at it i dont even recognize that kanji so maybe it bugged out somehow and loaded a bunch of random stuff. You should be able to abandon the lessons and try again

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Oh my god! I did the abandon lessons and it worked! Thank you so much and yes it’s Flamming Durtles and i have no idea why it showed me that because I dont even know (study) that items they showed me yet so maybe there’s an error idk?
Anyway thanks again! I appreciated it a lot!

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yes thank you! all good now!

Must have been an error with those high level kanji and 100 items. It has never happened to me but if it happens to you again I would suggest reinstalling the app or posting on the Flaming durtles thread

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I’ll take note for that
thanks for the suggestion!

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