But if it’s した can’t we say with certitude that he has graduated? Why would context matter here, why would there be some incertitude?
Not at all sure, but I’d say that he does seem to have graduated. He’s just working for the hospital as a junior doctor who still needs to learn certain things. It’s what @ayamedori said:
I’m not sure what it’s called in Canada, but I think the concept of housemanship is similar: doctors who have just graduated practise medicine in order to gain experience, and most likely under the supervision of more senior doctors.
This is what I meant to say ↑。
he is.
the very first page of 第一話 was the 卒業式
Oh… No, no, there probably is certitude, and as @YanagiPablo just revealed, there is a graduation ceremony. I just had no clue because I didn’t follow the story. I never made the effort to catch up with the first episode, if you’re wondering. By the way, are we going to do the NHK article on a separate thread?
Sure go ahead, the thread is there. As I’ve said in this thread I’m wary of posting too much so it might as well be someone else who bumps the topic. I’ll join in though.
Ok so the work he’s been doing at Eiroku university hospital is a real job unrelated to his studies then. 白鳥先生 is just his supervisor then. The thing isn’t hat he’s described as a preceptor and that’s a synonym for teacher. Why is he called a “preceptor” is what I don’t understand.
Ok based on Jonapedia’s explanation 白鳥先生 is just a senior doctor who coaches him, I get it now. It’s informal.
➄ その為に、他の病院で夜間救急の当直医のアルバイトをする事になり……。
“For that reason he decides to work as a part time job at another hospital at night for the emergencies”
為に【ために】I think it’s the first time I’ve seen that word not written in kana;
So that’s the manga description completed. As you may or may not know there are reviews at the bottom of the sukima pages where users can leave comments. Waiting on Monday, I decided to translate one of those comments which stood out (1 star rating):
“I was under the impression that all members in charge of the patient wanting to keep them alive was too absurd”
担当【たんとう】being in charge;
無茶【むちゃ】〜な adj. “absurd”;
生かす【いかす】 “to keep alive”, conjugated in the passive;
全員【ぜんいん】 “all members”;
思いこむ【おもいこむ】”to be under the impression”;
〜しすぎ: “too much of”
I’m mostly unsure of 無茶しすぎ as I’ve never seen that before.
泣く【なく】to cry;
ば particle which we haven’t really seen all that often from the very beginning.
ばかり: nothing more…
イライラする: get annoyed;
Is this a typo?
Well, I got the ball rolling and updated @_Marcus thread about the NHK news. What would you do without me I wonder .
Nope, but 生かせられる is it should be 生かせる. 担当患者 = “the patients he’s in charge of”.
思ってて is the te-form of 思っている.
I just took a look at the original comment, and it really was 生かせられる. I’m guessing it was meant to be the potential form of the causative i.e. ‘to be able to make live’, meaning this was a comment about how the protagonist seems a bit too optimistic about medical treatment’s ability to save lives (at least, in the opinion of the commenter).
@Zizka If this were written in Chinese, your interpretation might be possible, even if 担当患者全員 would be slightly awkward as a phrase, and would probably require a 的 (the Chinese equivalent of の) for clarity. The reason is that in Chinese, 担当 is a verb, so it’s not clear if 患者 is the object of the verb (i.e. 担当患者全員=患者を担当している人の全員=everyone who is caring for patients) or if it’s being modified by the verb (i.e. 担当されている患者=patients who are being cared for). Like I said though, it’s awkwardly phrased. However, in Japanese, 担当 definitely modifies 患者 because it’s not a verb, so there aren’t as many possibilities. Also, in Japanese (as is often also the case in Chinese), 全員 is used to mean ‘all the people’, but in an adverbial sense (like ‘all’ in ‘they all ran’), in which case it means roughly the same thing as 皆.
I’ll stop here so I don’t give you the correct translation flat out, but yes, this is the problem when particles are dropped. You have to figure out what’s meant from context.
Yep. I think people might get confused because 行かせられる does exist and sounds the same, but 生かせる is already a potential form.
Oh yes, good point. I forgot about that. The base verb is 生かす, so it should become 生かせる. The other possibility would be 生きさせられる, but using a form of 生かす is more convenient.
I don’t understand, .
思ってる I get since the い is sometimes dropped.
Are you saying that the continuous form can also be in the 〜て form ?
The continuous form is really just the te-form + the verb いる, which has its own te-form as well. 思っている→思っていて→思ってて with the い dropped
It’s really just 思っている→思っていてー>思ってて. Same logic as when 思っている becomes 思ってる. And like I said previously, the continuous form emphasises a continuous state, so the 〜て(い)て form just means that the continuous state is the first action considered. Here, the commenter is saying ‘I am thinking ~, and/while…’
And yes, like @ayamedori said, the continuous form just involves an auxiliary verb (いる), which can behave just like any other verb.
Wow I just got my mind blown.
It’s here.
Did you delete the episode 5 page? It’s missing when I click it.
The URL is just missing the t/x/ bit - try Learning through Translating: ブラックジャックによろしく episode 5: 外科と内科と医局と斉藤