Kun'yomi of 気

Should the kun’yomi of 気 be き or いき? It’s き according to jisho, but いき on WK, even though the noun 気 is pronounced き, and the only words with 気 where いき appers (大気, 平気, 雰囲気 and 排気) all take their い from the kanji preceding 気.


Maybe email the team about this, to have them fix it.

While I’m no kanji expert as some on here, I’ve never seen this “iki” reading and can’t find it on either Jisho or Japan Dictionary. The kun’yomi should just be “ki”, while the on’yomi is “ki” or “ke”.

Maybe someone with a deeper handle on kanji knows more?

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kanjipedia also marks the kunyomi of 気 as いき (non-jouyou reading) so I don’t think it’s a mistake, but I can’t think of any situation in which 気 is read いき… :thinking:


いき is the kunyomi reading you’ll find in Japanese kanji dictionaries. But it’s marked as an outside expression (i.e. uncommon, not on gov. list). There aren’t any common phrases using this reading that I can find. But, I would imagine, if you were talking about this kanji in a more abstract sense, or redefining it, it might come into play. Like, if you were writing a manga and everyone is born with a type of ESP that they call いき (気).

「気」の部首・画数・読み方・筆順・意味など (jitenon.jp)

All that to say, it’s correct, but more of historical or etymological interest. Not actually useful for language ability.


Hope it’s okay if I invite @TofuguJenny to have a look, right?

I think you’ve hit the nail on the head :slight_smile:

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Aye, I’d agree. That’s why I don’t think it would be useful to add to WK.

It doesn’t currently seem to be an accepted answer, so you can’t pass the review for 気 by entering いき. Entering it on a kanji review will simply trigger the shake since it’s technically a valid reading, but unless you enter き it won’t accept the answer. So I don’t think having いき listed as a valid reading but not teaching it in any reading section or having it be present in any review is a problem. The same thing happens for a few other kanji with many readings, generally any reading listed will trigger a shake, but only the ones actually taught will be accepted.


Oh yeah, I forgot about the shake. It’s been a while. Hehe

Aye, I can agree with that. :+1:


Don’t forget ()()


And 悪気 :wink:

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As already mentioned, いき is correct, but it’s obscure, and probably going to confuse more learners than it helps.

I’m going to move it to the warning list. That way, it will continue to produce the shake animation, but hopefully won’t confuse anyone else.

Thanks for pointing it out! :grinning:


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