Hello! I’m MissMisc (pronounced Miss-Miss) the checklist made me do this so hi! I’m loving the site so far, but I just recently leveled up and it’s telling me that I have to wait 42+ years for the next level up? And I can’t seem to unlock new lessons, can someone please help me??
Okay but really, I just wanted to give a huge thank you to the WK team for making this incredible site. Two years ago today, I would’ve never thought I would be able to read even one, nonetheless 2000+ of those crazy looking Chinese characters, and here I am now the WK team has done something really great here, and not only has it been great for learning how to read Chinese Japanese, but this site has also attracted such a fun and incredibly helpful community of people and it has been a huge motivation to keep going forward and coming back to this site every single day
Now, it hasn’t been a perfectly smooth ride for me, as you can see:
So if there’s anything I would like for someone to get out of this, it’s that life happens. Things will get in the way, you might start getting burnt out, etc, there’s a whole array of reasons that can cause you to step away from WK and/or your language studies in general. But that’s okay. The only thing that matters is that you remember your motivation for wanting to learn this beautiful language in the first place. Whether it’s to consume Japanese media in its original form, to want to travel or live in Japan someday, or just love for the language itself, there’s something that brought you here, and as long as you hold onto that, you can always come back.
It was pretty intimidating coming back from a 7+ month break (with no vacation mode) and seeing 1500+ reviews and somewhere between 150-200 lessons waiting for me, but I was determined to make it back. So I whittled away at the reviews at a pace comfortable to me, and then finished off the lessons and started right back where I left off ^^ and I’m really glad I did. Any progress, no matter how little you may think it is, is still progress. All that matters is that you’re moving forward
So thanks again to the WK team for making this site happen, it’s been the best thing to happen to my language studies, well, ever, and thanks to all the incredible people here in this community that I got to know and hang out with here on the forums, you guys are some of the coolest people I’ve ever met ^^
And to those of you who made it this far reading all this, I didn’t intend to write this much but thanks for sticking with me! If my experience can help motivate even one person to jump back into their studies if they’ve been struggling with a backlog or just generally feeling unmotivated, that’d make me happy good luck to everyone in their studies, I look forward to seeing how far we’ll all go! 頑張りましょう!
Some extra tidbits for anyone interested:
Resources I've been using
- WaniKani - kanji learning (have you ever heard of it? 11/10 great site)
- BunPro - grammar
- HelloTalk (app) - language exchange with natives
- NHK News Easy - reading practice (good for beginners-intermediate)
- TBS News - reading practice (good for intermediate+)
- Satori Reader - reading practice (cool site, good for beginner - intermediate, can sync your WK API and toggle furigana, and lots of cool and interesting articles/stories to read!)
- WK’s own Beginner Japanese Book Club + Intermediate Book Club, great way to get motivated to get in the habit of reading actual Japanese books!
What now?
- My plan is to stick around and burn everything here on WK
- Start (finally) using KaniWani to improve that English → Japanese recall (for those of you reading this who haven’t heard of this site yet, I highly recommend starting this sooner rather than later!^^')
- Start learning more vocab (including kana-only vocab) through other sites like Anki
- Take the JLPT one day, probably once I think I can do N2
- Keep conversing with natives as much as possible
- Read! Read! Read!
- Go to Japan for the first time sometime within the next couple years and be my own tour guide
Thanks for reading, group hug
gif chosen in honor of Viet being a brony
PS: @TamanegiNoKame you were right, there’s cake here. And the cake is delicious.