I had to type “riki” for Power – and i did it right! - but the program interpreted my “ri” as katakana, and the “ki” as hiragana, for some reason, and i got marked wrong. Whyyyy??? Was it because i used a capital letter?
Yes, the system converts capital letters to katakana.
why doesn’t Japanese just use American letters like pfff what the heck Japan
Actually “wtfgana” is a very appropriate name for kanji
I answer all my reviews in hentaigana which is why I’m still here years later.
Wow. That you can differentiate that is an achievement in its own.
They do. It’s called Romaji.
They don’t really use it tho ^^ Do they ?
Not really. Only on street signs and such, right?
don’t worry I was only joking
My only experience there is a 3 week trip and I don’t recall seeing any romaji. More katakana than I would have expected, a good amount of english (in transports mostly), but no romaji.
You didn’t look at a single train station sign in your whole visit?
Romaji is surprisingly prevalent. Lots of advertising uses it. Manga like to have their titles written in romaji somewhere on the cover too, for some reason.
Damn ! I knew I was not 100% sure of my answer, that’s why I said “I don’t recall”
I don’t recall any other occurence though… until someone else posts a picture !
I guess my mind just ignored it, I was so busy trying to decipher everything…
You’re just fishing for people’s holiday photos, aren’t you?
I don’t recall seeing any topless lady on the beach
That’s because if they posted a picture, they probably would get banned
from the forums.
You’re… not very good at spotting jokes, are you? That’s twice in this thread already.
I posted that one with a smile. No I can’t tell from text, because, I don’t know you personally
did it take you a month to edit this