Kanji 侍 (samurai) does not list on’yomi reading じ

It’s not the reading that WaniKani is looking for (さむらい), but I was surprised that this gets marked as incorrect instead of the usual “try the kun’yomi reading” shake.


If you email them they’ll probably add it.


I emailed them and they said they won’t add it.

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Oh well. They sometimes won’t add a reading if they think it’s too obscure. In this case the right hand side is a phonetic component for じ, so it’s easy to put that without thinking. And it’s not like the on’yomi is rare. I’ve seen 侍女 (じじょ) a handful of times. So I think the choice to leave it out is kind of weird.

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Hey @Zalathar ,

I think you misinterpreted what I said. Just re-pasting from my email:

I know that is an on’yomi though (as you can see on Jisho) but we probably decided not to teach it because the vocab that uses it are less common.

If there’s a vocab that uses the ‘ji’ reading that you think is important to teach though, let me know and I can pass that on to our content team to decide!

If there are words that you think we should teach with the reading ‘ji’ that are common, I can pass those on to the team for them to decide. Our decisions in the past aren’t perfect and we’re always updating the content, so if there are strong suggestions for new words, we keep a list internally to eventually add those, but they need to be reviewed first. That’s why I said I’ll pass those on to the team to make the final decision. Hope that helps!

(And I can add 侍女 to that list too.)


I remember back when I was making kanji study materials for my classmates, I had a lot of trouble finding any useful vocab that used the じ reading.

That being said, I do think “semi-approving” it (or whatever you call it when the screen wiggles but doesn’t mark it as wrong) makes a lot of sense; it is a Jōyō reading, after all, so it seems a bit harsh to punish people for knowing it.


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