Kana-Only Vocabulary is coming

WaniKani has always had one very clear and specific goal:

Has that goal changed?

Is WaniKani going to become a general Japanese vocabulary-learning program?

This sounds like a significant departure from the philosophy of the original program. Not necessarily a bad thing, but definitely different. For beginners who want to learn Japanese from zero, it could be a welcome development.

But if WaniKani is no longer just about learning 2,000 kanji, what else will you need to include? Maybe some basic grammar: particles at least, and the most common verb forms. There have already been calls to add onomatopoeia.

For those of us who first learned spoken Japanese without learning kanji, and then later signed up to WaniKani in order to fill that gap, it may not be such a good fit any more, but them’s the breaks. We are probably a very small minority of WaniKani’s customers.

Nevertheless, it’s interesting that the following was Koichi’s top reply, getting 190 likes: