Jotoba - A new alternative to jisho!

Thanks for sharing this! It’s sleek.

(Also to @jojii)

So what I’ve done in the past is to allow the user to add their own word breaks in the segmentation result. It’s absurdly simple to implement on modern browsers as well.

Overall process

  1. Click button to enable client-side mode to add word breaks. This is in JavaScript so that it doesn’t bother the server at this point.

  1. Let the user click between characters to add word break markers. Use a click handler with getSelection and then watch for ‘caret’ selections to avoid writing a whole load of ugly code to work out where they wanted a word break.

  1. When the user clicks submit then add the word break offsets to the current URL as a comma separated list (e.g. ?brks=4,10,23) and then reload the page
  2. When the server sees a request with word breaks, use the array to discard possible segmentation results where a word spans across one of those breaks.


Thanks for all of your suggestions. We added most of them to our road-map

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Awesome, thanks so much!

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Thank you for sharing!

Same, until that part it was “Oh cool I should check this out sometimes”, then I read that and now I have multiple tabs open to look into it.

I’ve recently written some Anki plugins to interface with Jisho, I guess I’ll have to get around to updating them to use / support Jotoba.


I love to hear that. I’ve also thought about some sort of Anki implementation. In case you want collaborate with us regarding an Anki implementation, contact me on discord (Jotoba) or email jojii aT

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Second this. Came here specifically to suggest that. It sounds like the tiniest stupidest thing, but not having to re-click the input box every time would be amazing :slight_smile:


@Milgram @seanblue Is already implemented. Will be on with the next patch


Thank you!!!

We just released an Update addressing most of those smaller convenience features and bug fixes

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The interface is gorgeous.

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Thanks! The auto-focus on the input is a huge time saver!

EDIT: It did just occur to me that this can be improved even more. If the input could be focused with the text in the input completely highlighted, that would be ideal. That way it would be possible to just type and hit Enter, not even having to hit Backspace or use anything else to clear the text between searches.

I also noticed that the Yomichan issue has been fixed, so thanks for that! However, this did make me notice that the highlight color doesn’t really work well on dark theme. It’s basically impossible to see the highlighted text.

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It looks super cute :slight_smile: and the interface seems simpler.
I often have my Japanese students use Jisho (during English class),
maybe I will try this out with them and see how they like it!

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We haven’t noticed that. Will be fixed

One thing I noticed Jotabo not having, unlike Jisho, is the suggestion of what word you might be looking for if you wrote an inflection of another word. As someone who is not yet too deep into grammar it’s been helpful. Other than that Jotoba looks really nice!

This ‘usually’ works on Jotoba too. If you write ‘ikimasu’ as いきます You’ll get this view as well. Somehow is the romaji search interfering here. I’m gonna look into that


Oh it has an API? (if I can believe this Build, Collaborate & Integrate APIs | SwaggerHub) That’s awesome, jisho’s api isn’ the best


Yep there is. Documented at


I’ll try to use it in my project in place of jisho and I’ll see how it fares.