Jitai (字体): The font randomizer that fits

Thanks for the very detailed option and other alternatives! I’ll have a look at it sometime later this week, got a bit busy with other stuff.

@maddness Sorry for the bug with the Lessons having the random font applied when you came from the review quiz before – I’ll definitely fix it this week as by the proposals @Inserio gave, please give me some time :saluting_face: The bug only appears when you did a review before, so if that’s the case (for now) please manually refresh the page after a review session before continuing to lessons.

Ahh I am sorry for the technical talk in my previous post :laughing:

In more simpler words: The page will not automatically reload anymore on WaniKani, even though it looks for us (the user) like that. In fact, WaniKani has become a single page only, and only the written text on it changes as if you are watching an interactive film. That is what “Turbo” is – just a handy tool for web developers to show content on your computer’s browser screen in a faster and more compact manner by only updating content that changed, and leaving content that is reused untouched. (I’m also new to Turbo, but that’s what I understood from my limited Google Search; sorry if the exact technical details are wrong :slight_smile: )
Most userscripts at WaniKani (like Jitai) are programmed in a way to activate themselves during a page load on a specific page of WaniKani, but with Turbo this fresh page load doesn’t happen anymore. So the scripts have to become a lot more smarter in detecting that a page has changed. For userscript developers that may take a while until every script is fully updated and tested.

Fair, the logging I had added last version for debugging went definitely over the limit… sorry for that! I have quickly changed the logging level to debug (how it should be), to at least hide the blasting of logs from your eye as debug won’t show without manual selection. There’s also the possibility to filter out logs with the regex expression -Jitai, since that is how I will always start the logs with. At some point I’ll remove those excessive logs, after I got enough trust into how the new Turbo system on WK works :slight_smile: If the debug level is still too much, or the wait until I remove it is too long, then I’ll find the time to hack it together this week.

The change is in the latest version on Github, which also includes another person’s very helpful PR that added more fonts and fixed some wrong font download links.

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