Jitai (字体): The font randomizer that fits

obskyr said...Hahah, that's kind of how I feel! I'm really happy someone liked Jitai enough to put it in their app (the most popular app, even). Luckily it wasn't entirely plagiarism either - there is a little notice that says "original script by obskyr". Seeing as there's no link to this thread or my GitHub or anything, though, and as it says "original script" as if it's just based on Jitai (when in fact it's just been very slightly modified to switch from hovering to touching), I'm still a bit miffed.
There are several links to this thread:
  1. In the OP of the thread where I introduce the app: /t/iOS-Mobile-AlliCrab-for-WaniKani/10065/1
  2. In the post where I announce the new version: /t/iOS-Mobile-AlliCrab-for-WaniKani/10065/171
  3. On the product page in the App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/keitaiwanikani/id1031055291?ls=1&mt=8
  4. On the README for the app's GitHub project: https://github.com/cplaverty/KeitaiWaniKani
  5. Within the user script itself, where the full script header from your original script was left intact, where the @homepageURL still points to your original gist: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cplaverty/KeitaiWaniKani/master/KeitaiWaniKani/User%20Scripts/jita...
About the only place I didn't put a link to your topic was in the settings screen of the app where you can enable it, and that's something which has been on my mind to change but have not yet done so as I've been deciding the best way to go about it from a technical perspective.

As a developer, I take accusations of plagiarism very, very seriously.  I do not feel that at any point I sought to claim credit for the script from you.  Perhaps I should have spoken to you first about the modifications, and for that I apologise.  If you have wording you feel is more apppropriate than "original script" to provide attribution of the script to you, then I am very open to changing the wording that is there.