I was looking for a good word-of-the-day site and didn’t find exactly what I was looking for, so I put one together and released it 2 days ago. Wanted to share it here in case anyone might get some use out of it https://dailykanji.xyz/
I don’t know if your want feedback but you’ll get it anyway:
You have furigana for kana words. Also in this specific case the kanji version ご馳走様 is common enough that it may be worth including (not sure how you curate the word list).
Yes I definitely want feedback! Thank you! As for this specific example, I think I’ll switch it to the kanji version and keep the kana version as the furigana text, but I’ll push out an update so that furigana doesn’t get shown for other kana words. Once again, I really appreciate it
Thank you for sharing!
I use this site…no need to sign up. It has multiple languages.
Just rolled out the fix thanks again for reporting this issue
lol thank you for pointing this out, the precious fix caused this bug. Should be good now
El El mié, ene 8, 2025 a la(s) 6:56 p.m., hiyyo_wo via WaniKani Community <notifications@wanikanicommunity.discoursemail.com> escribió:
There is also this site for a Japanese word of the day. You can also have it sent by email each day. Of course, for this you need to give them your email address and will then get a fair bit of marketing email from them advertising their courses and other material. You can just set up an filter to route everything except for the Word Of The Day email directly to the trash folder.
I tried opening the site and clicking on random a few times. It looks like you don’t have a very large word bank that you’re working with. Around 30 words I kept seeing. Are you adding more over time from a list or just sticking with some common and simple ones?
I like the word a day idea but I’ve never kept up with one for long enough to benefit from it. I guess wanikani is a word a day site but with more than one per day.
Yes, currently the word bank is quite small lol. I made this as a proof of concept to see if people would be interested, so I only included ~30 words. Now that I have a few daily users, my plan is to connect it to a database of JLPT words to get a higher quality and more targeted word bank.
What do you think about a feature that allows you to pick your JLPT level and gives you a word of the day accordingly?