Japanese Sentence a Day Challenge

You might just be able to say 運転(うんてん)()きじゃない :thinking:


ドライブだと言ってから 今フィッシングの旅行がほしすぎる。 早く起きて、朝日を見ていて、魚を切っていて、「もうビールなどを持って行けばよかった」と考えるさぁ…

Now that you mention driving, I began to feel the urge to go on a fishing trip. Waking up early, watching the sunrise, cutting up fish, thinking about how you should’ve brought more bear and stuff…

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しかし、暗示をあげると決めました。 :sweat_smile:

Hahaha, is that so? Actually when I read the sentence I wasn’t sure and thought “ah, I don’t really get it. I probably have to study grammar more” :smiley: .
But I decided to give a suggestion. :sweat_smile:


Really? A software that provides not only the meaning of kanji, but also pronunciation? Sounds super useful. Speaking of pronunciation, do you mean recordings of the voices of Japanese people? If that’s the case, I definitely want to give a try!

そうですね。えっと、種々のゲームをしたことがあります。Dark SoulsやSkyrimなどをしていたけれど、日本語の勉強をマジメに始めた時からあまり時間がないので、毎晩十五分だけしかにEpic7というガッチャゲームをしていません。

Umm, I used to play various games. I used to play things like Dark Souls and Skyrim, but since I started learning Japanese seriously I don’t have so much time so every evening I play a gacha game called Epic7 for barely 15 minutes.



I’m glad it’s not a real burnout syndrome. Why was I so tired yesterday I’ve completely no idea. Despite sleeping only around 6 hours yesterday night, I feel more energetic today. Weird, right?

I wanted to use some more 感じ and 感じる, but the former seems to have very specific more spontaneous uses so maybe it doesn’t fit everywhere?

I think I once heard メリハリ in a song, but it could’ve been also used colloquially to get the verses to rhythm. No idea :smiley: .

There is supposedly this nuance I’ve once read somewhere that when talking about one’s personal abilities, 得意 (positive) and 苦手 (negative) ought to be used, but I’ve never found confirmation for that :frowning: . And now that I think about it, those mean something slightly different than 上手 and 下手.

賛成です。There する好き sounds kinda weird, but if one wants to emphasize the action of driving, I guess the following would also work:
That would be like a textbook version :sweat_smile:






Good question. The ability to play. It’s fun to learn through playing. The more I understand, the more I enjoy. One more thing, Japanese syntax is very interesting.

What about you?

Feedback much appreciated, this had me spending a bit of time with bae DeepL :sweat_smile:.



Ooh, good point. When talking about one’s own weak points, I usually hear 苦手. And now that I think about it, I think I mostly run into 上手 when people are talking about someone else’s strengths? :thinking:

Looking here, I’d say you’re right, since they mark it as a compliment.

Ah, I hadn’t checked BunPro and found this note:

“using 上手 to describe something that you are proficient at is a bit pretentious/smug and should be avoided・とくい should be used instead”

So @Aralakh, I steered you wrong there. ^^



No, unfortunately it does not have that functionality. It wasn’t quite right for me to say “pronunciation.” I should have said “reading.”

楽しいですね?Skyrimについて、元のElder Scrollsに比べたら、評論家たちの評論を分かるけど、僕はSkyrimで何数時間さまよっていました。Skyrimに帰るたびに懐かしい感じがします。

Fun, aren’t they? About Skyrim, when you compare it to previous Elder Scrolls, I can understand the critiques that critics have, but I spent countless hours wandering around in Skyrim. Every time I return to Skyrim, I feel nostalgic.


I see. Although games are fun, it is a hobby that takes up a lot of time. If I can’t get the things I want, I’d probably get mad, so that’s why I’ve never played a gaccha game before. Are you disappointed often?

I feel like I see 15分 more often than the full kanji version. While it’s by no means a flawless way of checking things, if I google "15分” and ”十五分” respectively, the former has eight times the number of hits over the latter (500 million vs nearly 4 billion).

I may be off base, but can (だけ)しか~ない be pulled that far apart from each other? I couldn’t readily find instances of it used with に like that.

Would something like「ほんやらら」、毎晩Epic7というガチャゲームは15分だけしかしていません。be better?

I’m sure there are some caveats and specifics to how it’s used that I don’t use right, haha. You did make me start to wonder and double-check whether or not 懐かしい感じ is represented.

This reads a bit more like “the ability will play,” since 能力 is marked as the subject of the sentence. If you want to keep it short, maybe something like 遊べることです。遊ぶ in its potential form (ie, being able to play). You can also make it a compound verb with 出来る to express being able to play - 遊びできることです。

Being a particle, も can’t stand on its own like that. ^^ You can use something like しかも for the idea of “furthermore”

With ~ば、~ほど, you need to add a bit more. It’s used when you want to express how the more a certain something happens, the more a certain outcome happens.

So, for example, you can say something like 理解すればするほどテンションが上ります!“The more I understand, the more hyped up I get!”

ふむ~ 最近、新しい言葉を調べるのは幸せになります!

Hmm~ Lately, looking up new words is making me happy!


[I know there is an actual vocabulary word for “simple” but I haven’t learned it yet]

I live in Akita, Japan. This sentence is simple, but I’m studying て form. It’s difficult…



I tried reading a textbook on law. I didn’t think it would be interesting but jurisprudence is suprisingly interesting.

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Just wakin’ up in the morning, gotta thank God
I don’t know, but today seems kinda odd
No barking from the dog, no smog
And Momma cooked a breakfast with no hog.

From what I’ve seen so far, it’s not strictly followed, though. Kind of like 全然 being reserved for negative contexts only.
If someone makes a remark about another person’s skill at something being 上手, that person can still respond with 上手. I think it mostly gets weird when you open a conversation with saying you’re 上手 at something. That’s probably more smug :smiley: .


Likewise. Thanks to you I can also learn a lot I think. :slight_smile:


Is that so? Yeah, that’s really unfortunate. However, I would like to give chiitrans a try someday!
Actually, other than WaniKani, I only use Anki. Sometimes I read Tobira, but lately I haven’t read anything in Tobira. Don’t have so much time, right? More than Tobira I prefer reading novels. However, tomorrow or the day after I will perhaps start chapter 8 of Tobira.

まあ、子供の時、ゲームをたくさんしたことがあります。たいていニンテンドーやコンピュータなどでしていました。例えば、Super Mario BrosとかIndiana Jonesですよ。しかし、最近ガッチャゲームだけしています。実は、Epic7の新しいサーバで始めた時は、運がよかったので、怒らなかったんです。残念ながら、昨日運がよくなくなって新しい英雄をプールしようとした頃は、なにも受けませんでした。確かに他のゲームを探した方がいいと思います。:smiley:

Well, When I was a kid, I used to play a lot of games. Usually Nintendo, PC games, etc. For instance, Super Mario Bros or Indiana Jones. However, lately I’m playing only gatcha games. Actually, when I started on a new Epic7 server, I had a lot of luck so I wasn’t angry. Unfortunately, yesterday my luck ran out and when I tried pulling for new heroes, I got nothing. Perhaps I should look for a different game, I think. :smiley:

You’re absolutely right! I think that 十五分 comes from the fact that the book I’ve been reading featured 十五両 (15 train cars) so I just wrote that without thinking :joy:

Tough call. No idea how far you can pull them apart. I always assume that if it’s still the same clause, it sits :smiley: .

The way I put に after しか is apparently ダメ according to this article: How to use しか & だけ ( shika & dake) & だけしか ( = dakeshika) – Maggie Sensei
One can stick particles after だけ, although は/を can probably be omitted (I’ve always seen them omitted), but に after しか is a no go.

Thanks for catching that! :pray:

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卵を3個ください。Three eggs, please.



Yesterday was my friend’s birthday

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Thanks for all that wonderful clarification! :pray:


Cool! Its fun eh. Me too. :slight_smile:





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You’re not an idiot. Every time that someone says “eggs,” I ask. “How? raw? cooked?” I love raw eggs.

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Is that so?I love eggs too, but raw is a little . . .


Thank you for the furigana. Is it a script?

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ちょっと美味(おい)しいね ;p
