Japanese Or Korean?

I watched a video about procrastination recently and wanted to share it with you. This is going to sound weird, but it covers the fact that procrastination is not a “problem” but a very efficient “solution”, and that is part of why it is so hard to overcome. In the video, Dr. K (a doctor and psychiatrist) talks about how to become more aware of different types of procrastination and offers insightful advice regarding how you can do something about it. The video is 50 min long, but I hope you’ll enjoy it and hopefully help you somewhat with overcoming procrastination :slight_smile:


Well, only you can really decide this… I’d recommend thinking why exactly do you want to learn each of these languages. If you want to be able to read anime and manga - then Japanese should be your first choice. If you are more interested in Korean media - then Korean should be your first choice.

As for free Japanese resources - here are some; you probably already know them, but just in case:

For reading:


For listening:


As for grammar well, I haven’t personally tried it, but many people recommend


In any case, whichever you choose, best of luck with your studies!


No, it’s okay! You don’t sound dismissive at all, and I think I really needed to hear that. Like I said, I always find myself trying to get the easy way out, and it is something Im trying to improve with myself. Discipline really is what I need, and something Ill be working on.

I’m not completely doing it just for fun. It is something I want to study, also because I’ve considered studying abroad, etc. I need a specific goal though, and I think I should probably start sorting out my day so that I actually get some Japanese done.


When I posted this last night I was a little panicky? I really only brought up Korean because again, I was trying to find an easy way out. I wasn’t feeling like I’d be able to actually succeed in learning Japanese so my mind thought that switching to the language I found easier would be better. I don’t know if I’m wording anything right or if it makes sense but,

I’m not exactly feeling that way anymore. I still have doubt but, I do want to learn Japanese. I think I’ll stick to my original plan and get back at Korean once I’ve made clear progress in Japanese. Thank you for the advice though! εїз


I’m actually trilingual! And I also know basic French and Arabic. I do have experience learning two languages at once, and thankfully I’ve never had problems mixing them up with each other. Although I think I’ve decided on learning Japanese, and not starting Korean until I’ve made clear progress. I know that if i make myself do too much then I won’t do either at all, and I don’t want that. Thank you though!


Thank you! You reminded me that I do have list I wrote down of free learning resources, so I’m going to find that. I would keep using WaniKani but I can’t pay for it at the moment, so it’s out of the question for now. I also will start using alarms and making a schedule for myself.


Thank you! I have been using Tae Kim’s guide, and it’s been really useful. I’ll definitely check out the other links as well.


I want to learn Spanish … and want to brush up my French. But Japanese is hard enough as it is and I’m just not ready for more :smiley:


Japanese takes one heck of a lot of time


Good good. Theres a lot of great advice about this stuff out there, so theres no particular reason to get it from a buncha random people on the wk forum, but fwiw I found that a change in environment helps a lot with focus. Like having a spot dedicated for study or something like that. But yeah, I would check out what some actually informed people on this subject say and see if you can find something they suggest that works.


Yeah, it does. And I still feel like I’m already losing some rarer Kanji, that I’ve learned here, I need to force myself to a little bit of immersion every day :slight_smile:

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We can do it!! I really like immersion.
What do you like to do for immersion?

Regardless of which language you pick first, you can then use that language to learn the second language. For example, years ago I bought this book. Still not quite fluent enough to use it, but it’s a nice goal to have.


This is such a cliché American thought.

Most users here aren’t English native, so we’re already doing that here :sweat_smile:

Then it’s not particularly cliché or American, is it? It’s an efficient use of time and OP specifically wants to study two languages at once.


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