Japanese is frustrating!

Japanese is not so difficult, I have been learning it for 1 year plus seriously and have managed to talk smoothly to native Japanese. WANT HELP? just find a Japanese person to talk to. I guarantee you will be better in no time. don’t go to books like Genki, Minna no Nihongo. I am not a 60 % book kinda person. I do use books but quality ones like Kanji Learn’s Dictionary. All of them can be found online.

FOR KANJI, use Wani Kani, FOR LISTENING use podcast. FOR SPEAKING, Japanese teacher or language partner. I got 5 Japanese people to talk to in a week so I understand how much it’s important having a buddy! without it, motivations keens to drop drastically. FIND your way, use many ways to learn.

Momentum is important. KEEP saying Japanese is HARD. you will start it hate it soon. I love it that’s why it’s not hard for me. JUST keep practising, u will be fluent in no time. NO PAIN NO GAIN. that is the only way to learn. This person got 90 % of the Japanese resources I been using. @evan.rikko | Linktree. Have a look at it.

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Yes, I liked that George teaches grammar early on and I think it’s also quite useful that he explains in more layman’s language than technical terms :slight_smile:

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According to the Foreign Service Institute, it’s actually one of the hardest language in the world (for English speakers anyway). To quote their paper:

Category III: Languages that are exceptionally difficult for native English speakers to learn to speak and read: Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean

On the website (which is likely more up date I suppose), they’ve rearranged languages in four categories from Category 1 (languages similar to English) to category 4 quote « super hard » languages, which is the hardest category (also includes Arabic, Chinese and Korean).


Ya it’s super frustating too, but I like looking at the cool symbols and maybe being able to kind of get a tiny bit of an idea about what it means. I don’t know I don’t care to much about japanese I just like the cool characters :slight_smile:

It is frustrating. The first “real” book you’ll read will take forever and you wonder if you should stop and if all the work you’ve put in so far was for nothing

But it will definitely get better, even though there is unfortunately no real shortcut to it :+1:


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