Japanese Advent Calendar 2022 🎄 🇯🇵

Another place is probably LangCorrect.com. Also, probably not only questions that can be prompted.

I would pull-through with image prompts anyway, probably Christmas-themed.

Unlike Every Day threads, catching up by cramming multiple prompts in a day can possibly be done.

01 [1] 02 [2] 03 [3] 04 [4]
05 [5] 06 [6] 07 [7] 08 [8] 09 [9] 10 [10] 11 [11]
12 [12] 13 [13] 14 [14] 15 [15] 16 [16] 17 [17] 18 [18]
19 [19] 20 [20] 21 [21] 22 [22] 23 [23] 24 [24] 25 [25]
26 [26] 27 [27] 28 [28] 29 [29] 30 [30] 31 [31]

I intentionally made into a Wiki, because I need some prompt ideas.

  1. image ↩︎

  2. image ↩︎

  3. image ↩︎

  4. image ↩︎

  5. image ↩︎

  6. image ↩︎

  7. image ↩︎

  8. image ↩︎

  9. image ↩︎

  10. image ↩︎

  11. image ↩︎

  12. ↩︎

  13. ↩︎

  14. ↩︎

  15. image ↩︎

  16. ↩︎

  17. ウシと野生のヤギ ↩︎

  18. 馬と馬丁 ↩︎

  19. おなかのすいたイヌたち ↩︎

  20. image ↩︎

  21. キツネとワニ ↩︎

  22. シャコと人間 ↩︎

  23. ツグミ ↩︎

  24. image ↩︎

  25. image ↩︎

  26. オンドリと宝石 ↩︎

  27. ロバとニワトリとライオン ↩︎

  28. image ↩︎

  29. image ↩︎

  30. かじ屋とイヌ ↩︎

  31. イヌとオオカミ ↩︎