ISLAND 🏝 (Visual Novel Book Club)

ISLAND :desert_island:

This was read officially during those dates:
Start date: March 1st, 2024
End date: Aug 2nd, 2024
But any reader are welcome to join and comment on ISLAND at any time!

(I am putting the participation polls here on the top of the first post for easy access, if you are new to this thread, skip the polls and read beyond for more info)

Where are you in the VN right now?

  • Prologue
  • Route A
  • Route B
  • Route C
  • I am not reading this VN yet
  • I am no longer reading this VN
0 voters

Which parts have you completed (at least once)?

  • Prologue
  • Route A
  • Route B
  • Route C
  • The other endings
0 voters
Suggestion of template to post your thoughts / questions

Write in the title which part it is about and at which save you are, if applicable, or / and include the flowchart:

example 1:

Thoughts up to save 1

Blurred flowchart image here
Thoughts here

example 2:

Prologue - early thoughs

Flowchart position:
with hidden image:

with no image:

(section title もう一度、好きになってあげて)

What is this?

We are going reading ISLAND as part of the Visual Novel Book Club!
From Steam’s description: *Sanzenkai Setsuna awakens on the shore of isolated island Urashima with no memories of his past. Befriending three local girls, Rinne, Karen, and Sara, Setsuna’s quest to discover the secrets of Urashima and how they tie into his own past - and future - begins. *

VNDB Link: ISLAND | vndb
JPDB deck: Island – Prebuilt decks – jpdb

Where to buy

Steam: ISLAND on Steam (has both EN and JP) (will probably be on sale around March 14th, put it in your wishlist!)
Nintendo Switch:
DLsite: 【45%OFF】ISLAND [フロントウイング] | DLsite PCソフト


Tentative schedule

Date Start End Char count Total char count
Prologue March 1st April 5th 110.000 110.000, according to me
Route A April 5th May 10th 110.000 220.000, according to me
Route B May 10th June 14th 110.000 330.000, according to me
Route C June 14th July 19th 396.000 735.000, according to me
Other endings / read slower July 19th Aug 2nd 44.000 780.000, according to me

I only made a schedule for the “real” endings, depending on how it goes for everyone and how much participation there is, we will have a vote later to know if we also play the bad / alternate endings.

We will be reading at our own pace and posting in this thread whenever we want to talk about something related to this VN (so you are free to follow the schedule or not, and there won’t be new threads every week). The plan is for everyone to finish within 22 weeks (August 2nd, 2024).
We will be using choices as a reference point. You don’t need to wait until you hit a choice to discuss the game of course, but it would be a good idea to note in your post where you are so people don’t accidentally get spoiled (can say something like after choice 1/before choice 2 + character count if you have that available to you).

Guide for choices

First guide option: Seiya guide

Alternative guide option: Steam Community :: Guide :: ISLAND Walkthrough
Below you will find the choices to complete the main endings from that guide.

First, you have to play the Prologue.

That will lead to either:
Route A - Karen
Route B - Sara
Route C - Rinne

Probably only expecting small variations in the Prologue, while the main routes are completely different.

Prologue + Route A


Go left
I'm Sanzenkai Setsuna. / Try guessing my name! / Don't go falling for me!
Get ready for a showdown
A: / B: / C:
Abort your mission
Travel back in time / Go and find some glue
Give them the two-hour version / Give them the full director's cut
Flirt with Kuon / Mind your place
Go to the beach


I'll find myself here on the island
I was born into this age
Accept the here and now
Say anything at all
Prologue + Route B


Go left
I'm Sanzenkai Setsuna. / Try guessing my name! / Don't go falling for me!
Get ready for a showdown
A: / B: / C:
Abort your mission
Travel back in time / Go and find some glue
Give them the two-hour version / Give them the full director's cut
Flirt with Kuon / Mind your place
Go to the beach


I'll find myself here on the island
I came here from the future
Keep your mouth shut
I can't die for her
Wipe her tears
I have to tell him
Yeah / ......
Die together
Prologue + Route C


Go left
I'm Sanzenkai Setsuna. / Try guessing my name! / Don't go falling for me!
Get ready for a showdown
A: / B: / C:
Abort your mission
Travel back in time / Go and find some glue
Give them the two-hour version / Give them the full director's cut
Flirt with Kuon / Mind your place
Go to the beach


I've already found myself
I'm Setsuna / I'm not Setsuna
No, they don't exist / I don't know / I've just witnessed a miracle
The same / I'll have a lemon one / Corn on the cob
Skim over the rest of the article / Reread the entire passage carefully
You're right / You're wrong / I don't know
Your chest / Your butt
Suggested route order

You can only play Route C if you have completed the other routes, so I suggest that we do A, B, C.

Step by step for Textractor on PC
  • Open Textractor

  • Open ISLAND, if you have attached it to ISLAND before it connects automatically, otherwise I believe the step was to pick “Attach to game” and choose ISLAND.exe in the list of running programs

  • Load your save / start a new game

  • After the first sentence is loaded, in Textractor, click Search for hooks

  • Say OK

  • Choose Search for specific text

  • Write down exactly the first characters, for example here it is: “「ったく、” and the 「 is important too, and OK


  • Takes a bit less than 10s and they are found

  • Go through the list, few of them will be perfect, few of them have some artifacts like this:
    If this is the case you can just switch to another one, they don’t disappear.

Now I haven’t had any success with saving those hooks and reusing them when I reload the game, so I just do that every time. Maybe someone will chime in with a way to do it. Though the way I do it doesn’t feel tedious to me, because I also have the text from the previous session saved so I can just copy paste the last sentence I played.

To have the text saved, you can have Texthooker open and the addon Lap Clipboard Inserter – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US) (Firefox) and Textractor set up with Copy to Clipboard. When you activate Clipboard inserter, everything you copy in your clipboard, comes in texthooker.
Now don’t be me, and turn off Clipboard inserter when you stop playing and do things like putting passwords in your clipboard from a password manager :joy:

JL: Dictionary with overlay you can use when you play fullscreen

Its also worth checking out JL if you read in full screen mode. It works a lot like yomichan (you can hover over words to look them up etc). There’s an always-on-top overlay and it’ll get the text from textractor to show it on the overlay. GitHub - rampaa/JL: JL is a program for looking up Japanese words and expressions.

It lets you import your own dictionaries and I think you can set up mining to anki with it as well. Here’s a random screenshot I just took to show how it looks

Change between window mode and full screen by pressing F11

If you go under the system settings, there will be a setting to change it to windowed mode there. You will have to restart the game after changing the setting for it to take effect though.

Discussion Guidelines

  • Please use spoiler tags for major events in the current chapter(s) and any content in future chapters.
  • When asking for help, do your best to provide context. Pasted text, screenshots, descriptions, etc. Unlike book clubs we can’t flip to relevant pages, so we may need a little help identifying exactly what is being discussed.
  • Feel totally at ease to ask questions or give your thoughts, any time! Clubs live and die by participation, and asking whatever question you have, no matter how silly it may seem, helps others who are reading it and even the answerer themselves.
  • Have fun, and do your best to interpret anything said with as much good faith as possible :slightly_smiling_face:


  • I’m planning on reading along / ahead
  • I’m planning on starting later
  • I am no longer reading this VN
  • I have finished this VN
0 voters

Which version are you reading ?

  • PC
  • Mac
  • Switch
  • Other
0 voters
Archiving this text, it was the original post but I want to use the post for people's thoughts instead

So I’ve started this VN last year but paused it to focus on other projects. I have already read the Prologue and Route A so I have the character count for those and my percentage completion. I will try to infer the character count for Route B and C based on that and will propose a schedule in the first post :slight_smile:

As we are all reading on a different schedule, it might be hard to find again people’s thoughts on different route, so here’s an index :slight_smile:

User Part Arount Chapter name Link
AzusaChan Prologue Up to save 1 :desert_island:
Bodil Prologue First impressions :desert_island:
emime Prologue Scene 8 :desert_island:
Bodil Prologue Scene 12 :desert_island:
Bodil Prologue Scene 13 :desert_island:
AzusaChan Prologue Up to save 4 夏蓮と紗羅と泳ぎに行く :desert_island:
Bodil Prologue Scene 17 安定した仕事が見つかるといいねっ :desert_island:
Bodil Prologue Scene 19 最後まで付き合ってくれる :desert_island:
Bodil Prologue Save 4 :desert_island:
emime Prologue Scene 20 玖音を口 :desert_island:
Bodil Prologue Final prologue impressions :desert_island:
emime Prologue Final prologue impressions :desert_island:
AzusaChan Prologue Finished the Prologue :desert_island:
User Part Arount Chapter name Link
AzusaChan Route A route thoughts :desert_island:
Bodil Route A Scene 2 :desert_island:
Bodil Route A Scene 5 :desert_island:
AzusaChan Route A Up to save 8 :desert_island:
Bodil Route A Up to save 9 口を閉ざす :desert_island:
Bodil Route A Scene 6 :desert_island:
Marifly Route A Scene 6 :desert_island:
Bodil Route A Scene 7 :desert_island:
Bodil Route A Scene 8 :desert_island:
Bodil Route A Scene 8 still :desert_island:
Bodil Route A Scene 8 finished! :desert_island:
Marifly Route A Scene 8 finished! :desert_island:
Marifly Route A Scene 13 :desert_island:
Marifly Route A Scene 14 :desert_island:
Bodil Route A Scene 12 :desert_island:
Bodil Route A Route A final thoughts :desert_island:
User Part Arount Chapter name Link
Boodil Route B Scene 1-3 :desert_island:
Boodil Route B Scene 7 / Save 11 :desert_island:
AzusaChan Route B Up to save 12 告げなければならない :desert_island:
Marifly Route B Bad endings :desert_island:
AzusaChan Route B Finished Route B :desert_island:
Akashelia Route B Final impressions :desert_island:
User Part Arount Chapter name Link
AzusaChan Route C Halfway point 。。。。。。 :desert_island:
Marifly Route C In the middle 。。。。。。かきごおり食べたい :desert_island:
AzusaChan Route C Towards the end Epilogue of summer :desert_island:
AzusaChan Route C Towards the end いいんだよ無理して思い出さなくても :desert_island:
AzusaChan Route C Towards the end 冬編 completed :desert_island:

Akashelia’s final review (with spoiler tags)
AzusaChan’s overall thoughts/spoilers for entire game


Thank you for hosting this! The game looks really nice visually, I’m excited to give it a try. Does this VN happen to have an in-game date system or chapter breaks? Just curious for other ways to hide spoilers outside of choice points.


No none of the above. :frowning:
But I forgot to mention something quite important, didn’t think about it but now that you ask!
It has a Flowchart :smiley: On the Flowchart, you can see the name of the “chapter” (they are seamless in the game) and you can see those names on the saves too.
But they don’t have necessarily the same length of characters, so I’m happy I don’t have to deliver a too-precise schedule.

Not spoilery screenshots, but still, images from the game


Oh nice! Those chapter names should be good to use to hide posts behind to avoid spoilers assuming the chapter names themselves don’t spoil anything


Yeah, if they do, we can maybe count instead the position on the flowchart or something like that


There’s a nice discount right now! :slight_smile:


I’ve never finished a VN before, because reading on my computer always feels like a chore, but this looks weirdly intriguing. I’m this :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed: close to buying it.


Nice that you are considering it!
Curious to know which ones you’ve tried?
ISLAND is not a top rated one but that’s why I picked it, want to wait to be better at Japanese to play the very very good ones. So have no big expectation, but for me it definitely turned out to be quite fun and entertaining!


I tried the Psychopass spin-off Mandatory Happiness (in English, not Japanese) and still intend to finish it one day, because I’m a completionist in love with the setting. Maybe when my Japanese gets good enough one day, I’ll get motivated to read it for more practice.
There was also one other I can’t remember, but browsing through my Steam library I realized that I did finish a short VN called Analogue: A Hate Story and it’s sequel (also in English). So at least it seems to be possible.


I plan to read Vol 1. of 2 mangas from the ABBC, one actively (because the manga will start soon) and one passively (because it has finished so maybe at a slower place), so I am not sure how much time I can dedicate to this. The level of difficulty for the Island VN might be decently high for a beginner like me. However, I got the VN on my Nintendo Switch and thankfully I can switch between English and Japanese without having to exit the game I think? so that helps. I will most likely read the VN on and off.

Does anyone know if there is anything I can do with the Nintendo switch to make it more Japanese learning friendly? , and if there is a script for the Island VN available somewhere? I’d appreciate any info : )


Not that I know of!

Sounds fun with English and Japanese. And if nothing else, with playing in English you will still get the Japanese voice.
Let us know how it goes!

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Thanks, will do : )

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Ok, so I’m officially in. I bought the VN a week ago and have been experimenting a bit by reading the first 3 scenes of the prologue in Japanese and sometimes English. Does anyone know if there’s an easier way to switch between languages on Steam without having to re-download the entire 2GB language file every time you switch?



I don’t, it annoyed me the first time so I never tried after that :confused: maybe if you happen to have two computers in your household, one could have the EN version and one the JP version :thinking:


Me too, I’m giving up as well. Instead, I read another scene and this time just tried to use the JPDB deck as a vocab list. It went quite well. The reason why I initially thought this would be impossible is that the vocab from the second scene (where the MC is at the police station) is missing if you sort the deck by chronological order and instead, there’s one or two pages of vocab that doesn’t appear in the prologue. Do you have any idea why?


Nope, I’m guessing the deck might be based on a slightly different release version, maybe there has been changes when it was ported to Steam or something? That wouldn’t be unheard of.

At some point I caught up the chronological order to where I was in the VN and followed that for a while but then it diverged again, probably because it picked a different choice than I did? I didn’t want to go back and base my choices on JPDB so instead now after a reading session, I grab the text from Textractor, put it in JPDB, Ctrl F for “New” words, and select for those “put in front of my review queue”. A bit tedious but it’s been working fine.
Though I don’t have a solution for those playing on Switch or without Textractor :confused:


Ok! I got the novel! :partying_face:


Welcome :smiley: which version will you be reading? PC? Switch? Other?
Just realized that I don’t have a poll asking that in the first post yet, it is not fixed!

PC! I plan to use Textractor to grab the words too so I can look them up :slight_smile: