I posted in the main Tsurukame thread, but I think I was thinking of this “new” app Koraigame, which has Anki mode. I’ll sideload it tonight and let my thoughts known.
Is it offline too? I work on ships that go out to sea and don’t have internet all the time.
If you’re only looking to use Koraigame for Anki mode, just join the official TestFlight beta for Tsurukame and wait about 12 hours. It’s been approved for merging into the main app.
No problem. I can make instructions to fix this problem, but if Anki mode’s the only reason you want to use Koraigame, then there’s no reason not to just use an official Tsurukame build.
The official TestFlight beta already has it. Its sole purpose is to give a wider testing audience in hopes of accelerating bug fixes before it’s put on the App Store.
In other words, yes, Anki mode will come to the App Store Tsurukame.
I finally had time to try this but ran into a stumbling block immediately. You said to grab an IPA file from GitHub, but I didn’t see an IPA file from that link. I downloaded the .tar file, but that just extracts to source code.
I’m obviously not an expert at this stuff, so I might need more specific instructions, lol.
But also, before I get too deep here, is there a feature that allows users to order reviews by type and level? That would be the main reason I’d want to install this, and I didn’t see that in the release notes.