iOS app for testing kanji writing

If interested, I posted a Kanji Writing Deck on Kitsun. It’s tagged by N-level but you can also apply the WaniKani filter and follow by your progress here.


Get Deck here

This deck contains 2210 kanji cards tagged by N5-N1.

Kanji writing Output: (for phone/tablet app)
Meaning + Reading → Kanji Write (note: only available layout)

There are several handwriting keyboards depending on device. For iphone Chinese Simplified handwriting keyboard works pretty good.

Kitsun App here

Kitsun WaniKani Filter here

Kanji Stroke Order Guide here


What do you mean with general rules of kanji stroke order?


Wait a minute, I didn’t know I could use kitsun for kanji writing! :flushed: I have the anual subscription and use it everyday but I totally didn’t know that. Thank you a lot for letting me know, going to check it rn

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Thank you, I’m going to study it :ok_hand:

Just a tip, for the most part the Chinese Simp keyboard overall does a pretty good job for inputing the entry but occasionally it does not recognize what I want. So I will keep the flip buttons on just in case and then use the drawing as a practice and flip correct/incorrect as need be (or maybe it’s my incorrect stroke order :thinking:). And there are kokuji which I wouldn’t expect the keyboard to find either. I suppose one could even use pen to paper separately as well if preferred or not use the handwriting keyboard at all, a number of ways however preferred.

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Ok I I just downloaded the deck and was adding it with the action → add to known words
But I was wondering - will this mess with my other decks? I mean I Downloaded the kanji writing deck but how is this filter interacting with it?
Also thanks for the adivce, I heard that sometimes the chinese keyboard can give some problems :ok_hand:

is this the way it’s supposed to be?

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It’s not an active API or anything. For kanji specifically, you would want to use the ‘kanji’ tag and then add your levels that you completed also tagged by level (or however you want).

And then for adding to known words, use ‘Vocabulary’ as this is value where the kanji resides

Then you would search your kanji deck and filter by ‘known’ to study by your WK level

Of course you can use the filter for vocab as well so you can filter your deck experience to no have to overlap vocab you are already studying here (tag value ‘vocab’).

Adding known words doesn’t mess with experience or other decks. But you can’t ‘undo’ adding known words at the moment unless requesting neicul who can undo it for you.

Personally I have gone by N-level, it’s a reasonable frequency list. For WK, by the time you hit level ~20, they start jumping around alot more I feel.

Hopefully this makes sense but feel free to ask more questions :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks a ton for the miniguide, it’s being very helpful. I’m not practical with kitsun so I’m sending you another screenshot - could you check if the settings are ok?

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So ‘levels’ actually mean the SRS level progress on Kitsun if you want to filter by your progress (not applicable to this deck). So you don’t want to select that.

The easiest way I find is just add the level you want starting with ‘1’ in the tag. I assumed most would want to add both their kanji and vocab, select all, add to known. However you can select all in the level and if preferred, de-select your vocab items which is referenced on the tag on the far right. Then do this for level 2, 3, and so on. Then you have a ‘known’ base in the Kitsun system.

*edit: or you can do it by kanji filter and search the level like above, sorry if confusing

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that’s totally fair. if you find something out there closer to what you’re looking for, I’d be interested in it too if you think to share.

thanks for checking it out!

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Thank you a lot for this miniguide, it was a bit complicate to do for me not having experience with kitsun :pray:

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In the end I found two solutions. The first one is with kitsun, you can read the messages above to know how.
This was a bit complicate but works good.

I also tried the app ‘skritter’ (the ‘skritter japanese - writing’ one, because there are 4 different version and the ‘skritter japanese’ is a whole another thing) and decided to go for it, because it’s very very simple to use, it’s customizable both on the test settings and on the kanji you want to train with, and it even has a wanikani deck!
I downloaded the deck, hibernated all the vocabs (you can exercise the writing of full vocabs too but can also manually hibernate elements you don’t care practicing) and deactivated other practice functions such as reading, etc.

There are three main functions I use:
Lesson. It teaches you how to write kanjis with the correct stroke order, one by one
Reviews. It’s a test on some lessons you previously did. These items are marked as ‘studied’.
Random testing. This is what I use the most because my learning focus isn’t really on writing. It makes you select a batch of kanji you want to practice (even all the 2200 kanji and 6000 vocabs if you want) and makes you write them in a totally random order, as many as you want.

[↓UPDATE↓] After three days of using the app I realized that for some reason some kanji are presented only within a vocab. I found this out because on wanikani I completed 100% of level 3 kanji (85 in total) but on the app I only have 61 elements active. There also seem to be no way to add/modify the deck in any way. If someone know a fix pls let me know.


Probably not exactly what you want since you can’t make your own decks, but I’ve been enjoying this app made for Japanese people who are studying for the kanji exams.


As for “just learn the stroke order rules instead of learning one by one”, I sort of get that, but also I feel like when you learn one by one you sort of just start to absorb the stroke order rules anyway, so they quickly become easier and easier to remember/guess.

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I’d try this app, but I doubt I’d even be able to set it up (not even absolute beginner)
For what I’ve seen about stroke order I had the same impression.

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Fair enough! I’m actually gonna check out Skritter now, I didn’t know about that one and it sounds nice.

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You look experienced so let me ask. I learnt the stroke order rules on the tofugu guide but there are some instances where they seem to not apply. I know there are exceptions but it’s happening on very early kanji and I’m questioning if I got it right.
For example, the 王
Why isn’t stroke order like 三 and fourth stroke vertical? I thought that the strokes that go thru many other components came last

I’m actually quite inexperienced when it comes to writing, as I only started practicing that very recently, so you might be better off looking at Tofugu’s guide. But in my limited experience, a horizontal line at the very bottom of a kanji or radical is usually the final stroke.

For the same reason why you do the bottom stroke last on 田. The stroke that encloses the radical/kanji is usually last. That’s also the reason the 辶 radical is last to be written, since it can be though of as enclosing the kanji.

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Ok let’s say the bottom stroke of the 王 kanji is the enclosure, I know that rule, but why not do the middle stroke before the vertical one? Also with 田 it’s weird because while its specified that the stroke order is left-right first and up-down second, the inside of the 田 kanji begins with the vertical line

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