i was so close to 0/0… i had 20 lessons left but i levelled up and now i have 117… i’m so sad…
Don’t worry too much about that, 52 more events to come.
i just wanna see sweet sweet 0/0…
i can’t believe i thought wanikani was too slow at one point
It never gets easier.
that was me a few weeks ago until i grinded lessons way down to around 50 before doing them on a normal basis. i still am suffering from huge review clumps
Currently plowing through all the lessons. Gone down from 202 to 142. Just gotta plow through lessons, if one fails the reviews initially doesn’t matter, since the ones that you pass will pass and those that doesn’t will reappear soon anyway. Just gotta be aggressive as long as one can keep on top of the review pile though.
at 97 lessons now, finished my original lessons i had before extra 8 vocab and new 9 stuff
97 looks a lot more managable
i’m level 9, still shows at 8 for some reason
I think leveling up is an even better feeling!
It gets worse before it gets better. But it’s worth it😎
right now, leveling up causes immense dread
i’m excited to hit 10 though, cool milestone =)
I sped up at level 12, that lasted for about 3 levels, and now about every 6 weeks I have a cycle that comes back to bite me as those piles of reviews come back around. Lessons learned…
Yes, embrace the pain. Become the pain. Be like Haroldさん and パインさん combined.
Wake up at 6 in the morning, heart going ドキドキ and the only thought coursing through your head - 起きなきゃあああ〜
I used to get bummed about never reaching 0 lessons, but now that I just focus on doing 10-13 lessons each day, I actually intentionally cultivate a small backlog haha so that I have something to do every day. The next time I see 0/0 will probably be level 60.
I intentionally paused learning new kanji for a few days to reduce my lesson backlog from ~350 to under 180 last week, doing 20-40 new vocab lessons a day (about 180 apprentice items for me). No need to rush, it’s a marathon.
I am still a newb who wants more lessons and reviews… So I cheated and went ahead a bit ;D… I wonder for how long this feeling will last!
永遠に, the Crabigator knows your sin.
It will take roughly a couple weeks until it starts to ramp up, if you keep it at 0 lessons and reviews. Golden rule is to keep it at maximum 100 apprentice unless you know what you’re doing. The first few levels are slow though.