My never ending pain. (Painful levels, again.)

Here I am. After my total reset. Back into the depths of kanji hell. The pain truly never ends.

Anyways, after that dramatic opening, I’m finally past level 10! I made it to level 11 a couple of days ago which means I’m finally in the painful levels, again. I don’t really remember these levels being all too bad, most certainly not as bad as the death levels.

I’ve gone at a relatively similar pace as I went during my first attempt at wanikani, but now I can finally understand some kanji better, and recognise them much quicker than I initially could. Also, a bit embarrassing considering I spent a year on my first run, but I finally found out what the hell the difference is between a transative and intransitive verb. So that’s helped quite a lot when it comes to some grammar.

Speaking of grammar, I’ve finally prioritised it after so so long, and I can finally understand why people enjoy this more than learning 2000 kanji! You can definitely see yourself improve more and more with grammar than you can with kanji, but that’s a topic for my two years on WaniKani post.

Other than that, since my last post, not much has changed regarding how I study. Oh I did actually recently get a genkouyoushi notebook to practice my handwriting but damn it is so difficult. Tips would be greatly appreciated!

My accuracy has still stayed very consistent and hasn’t dropped too much yet, but I’ll have to inform you after I reach the death levels and the pain truly sets in!

I guess I’d describe the painful levels as a kind of pleasurable pain where you can slow down and back out for a little bit if you want to, but man the death levels are just. Well. Death.

I guess that’s really it for this post! Not much to report on but I’ll be back at the end of August to give a detailed update about the treacherous Japanese journey I’ve been through these past 12 months. Until then, さよなら, or I guess
じゃね, since I won’t be gone that long!


I’m about a year and a half into it and I still don’t completely understand… I don’t know why it’s so difficult for my brain to grasp :sweat_smile: Congrats on getting into painful!!

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The pain does kinda end at some point, when you’re level 60 :wink: Just gotta persevere for a while. It’ll be worth it! がんばれ!


From what I understand a transative verb is an action that you do or cause yourself, for example 曲げる, which means that you bend something.

However an intransitive verb is an action that is caused by something else or something out of your own control for example 曲がる, which means to be bent, or that something is already bent and has been bent by something else.

Hope that helps!


Also, more concretely, a transitive verb usually takes an object (I bend something), while an intransitive verb usually cannot have an object (I sleep, I can’t sleep someone). In Japanese, I’m pretty sure 曲がる can’t take an object. If you bend something (object), you use (object)を曲げる, you can’t ever use “を曲がる” (because 曲がる is intransitive).


When it’s phrased like that I understand it,

It’s when its phrased like that is when my brain breaks down :sweat_smile: I understand the concept but in use it confuses me. I can’t explain why other than this being one of those situations where my brain is just a bit dead. Thanks for the help though!

In about the same place as you, just I’ve been struggling longer with leveling up… Did reach Painful for the second time now (I think my max was 13).
Got any suggestions where to start on grammar? Maybe It’ll help me too…
And がんばってよ!

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But maybe the examples I used were helpful? If it’s about “takes an object”: If I say “I kick the ball”, then “the ball” is the object (and “I” is the subject). So “kick” is a verb that takes an object, it can have an object (= transitive), because you can kick something. But for example you can’t say “I exist the ball”, because you can’t “exist something”. That’s what it means that “exist” can’t have an object. It’s intransitive.
For a simple rule, you can remember that for transitive worbs, you can directly use them with を, while for intransitive ones, you can’t. But I think this is a very important concept for Japanese that’s worth learning.

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For grammar I mainly use Bunpro, it’s great in that it explains each grammar point thoroughly and in depth, and you can select what skill level to study (e.g. from N5 to N1)


I also use Bunpro, and I really like it because it has integrated reviews like Wanikani, just finished N2. It does become quite a bit of work especially when you learn new similar grammar points, but I think that just reflects the reality of learning Japanese. And they just improved their hint system.

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How about using the Japanese terminology:

自動詞 - self-move or automatic move
他動詞 - other move

自動詞 - うでを曲げる - I bend my arm.
他動詞 - 木が曲がる - The tree bends.


Oh, I think it finally clicked :sweat_smile: I think I was more confused about how it fits into a sentence and how you use it rather than what it actually is. Thanks!

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I’ll try it. thanks.

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