Is this translation correct?
I’m Aleks. I like dogs and cats. I go to school in the tenth grade and i like archaeology.
Also, where can i study Japanese grammar? until now i used bunpo, on android, and i liked it, but now the app is requesting a payment, so i can’t spend other money, at least not for now.
I can’t comment on everything, but for one thing I think it’s probably pretty unnatural to mix using 俺 with です in a sentence and then using ます forms of verbs in subsequent sentences.
thanks for the reply, then what should i use? 私?
僕 or 私. You’re combining polite です with a pronoun that is very informal and almost arrogant sounding. I would expect a native speaker would give you a pretty bizarre look talking that way. Or you would drop the です and ます for one thing if you’re going to use 俺.
ok thanks a lot
You’re welcome. I would also suggest listening to the Tofugu podcasts where they discuss first-person pronouns with Kanae who is a native speaker. Especially the one on 俺 to fully understand how that pronoun is perceived and used.
A few notes here (if other people could check, because I’m far from fluent in Japanese):
You don’t need to repeat the 私 here since the topic is pretty clear from the context and it seems a bit reduntant (if it’s clear what is the topic of the sentence, you don’t need to repeat it over and over)
I think you should say that you are a first year student of Senior High School (I’m not familiar with the Japanese nor the American school system so I checked on Wikipedia, not sure about this)
To connect two sentences, you can’t use と - it’s actually done using the ~て form of the verb, for exemple デパートに行ってズボンを買いました。(I went to the department store and bought pants).
You have to use the が particle with 好き
So here is my take on your last sentence:
If you want to use a verb for “going” to school you should use 通っています(かよっています) rather than 行きます. However I think NickeeCoco’s modification to your last sentence works fine.
thanks man
When I was taking Japanese in high school, our teacher taught us that the abbreviated form 高校 is more commonly used than 高等学校. Otherwise, I agree this is a good edit.
There’s plenty of free resources on the internet.
- I enjoy Imabi a lot, all the explanations are very detailed (might be too much information for a beginner though but they’re thorough):
- The award-winning Tae Kim’s Guide To Japanese is also available for free, a looooot of people recommend this: Learn Japanese – Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese
- The series of textbooks Japanese from Zero also offer the first book’s content for free online at and the author covers the other books content too for free on YouTube: (Honestly it’s a great resource, I’ve learned a lot from it, somehow it gets overlooked a lot)
- Japanese Ammo With Misa is also a good resource ( with a YouTube channel that covers a lot of grammar topics:
- Organic Japanese with Cure Dolly ( is another YouTube channel that is often recommended on the forums here. If you can get past the creepy computer-generated voice it’s a very very good resource.
- The WaniKani forums!!! Lots of resources on the threads, and a whole lot of people waiting to answer your questions if you need clarification with grammar points etc. Places to start: The Ultimate Additional Japanese Resources List! or Short Grammar Questions (Part 1) if you want to see what kind of questions other users ask.
Sorry I can’t help you since I’m really new at Japanese but are you from India by any chance?
I assume this is just a typo, but 猫 would be cats rather than “car.”
sorry man, I’m bulgarian and live in Italy
Agreed. I don’t think there are many situations where a non-native could use 俺 and it not sounding weird (and rude). Even between Japanese speakers it is only used between very close male friends from childhood that you have known for a long time or with your close family. 僕 is fine even in academic situations, unless it is a very formal situation.
And by most Visual Novel male protagonists - even if they are stereotypical “nice guys”, as far from “arrogant” or “rough” as possible. That always puzzled me.
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