I am looking for a monolingual Japanese dictionary

That’s the annoying part. Sometimes it works, but for the life of me I can’t figure out what the context needs to be.

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If you start from bookwalker it allows you to go two levels deep since the first is within the app and the second is an ios overlay. Even though it uses the same dictionary :thinking:

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Thanks for the recommendation, I would love to try this app. I’ve looked in the App Store, but I am not sure I found the right app that allows to purchase these additional dictionaries. Would you have the full name and developer name of the app?

Sure, it’s called “Dictionaries” and it is developed by Monokakido. Blue icon with three white books.

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Ah, you’re right. I never noticed it was in Bookwalker where I was able to do that. Cheers. :slight_smile:

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I know it’s been like 10 days, but I just happened to be looking around at dictionaries from LogoVista and noticed something in the screenshots they had on their page. So I double-checked in the two Daijirins and managed to find an updated entry!

The change is in 愛 and you can maybe guess how they’d change it already.

In スーパー大辞林 (大辞林 3.0), under the first definition ① it has:
㋑異性に対して抱く思慕の情。恋。(There is no ㋑ separation in the included iOS/Mac version, it’s just part-way into ①)
In 大辞林 4, under the first definition ① it was changed to:

That’s all that I’ve accidentally stumbled upon so far though lol


you’re actually so right about this. i didn’t believe it myself at first - thought “whatever, as long as i get the gist of the word, context will fill in the rest”. and that IS partially true. but also, monolingual dictionaries do such an incredible job of training my brain to think of japanese IN japanese - and to think in japanese more in general. there’s something about “looking up the meaning of a word”, that makes the brain open to deeper levels of understanding in a language. and doing that monolingually is just too good of an opportunity to miss out on. especially if you think about the effect of reading like 40+ monolingual definitions a day (for heavy readers)… the network of “japanese i can explain in japanese” just gets wider and wider over time.

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From outside Japan (and not American) region, I can get Kotobank app for free, without too many distracting ads. Weblio just has to be deleted because of ads. There are also some paid / subscribed others.

The legality is not really questionable. It’s absolutely stolen content and therefore not legal. It’s up to each individual to decide whether that matters to them.

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Meikyo is one of the best dictionaries when you switch to monolingual because it has furigana.
Dictionaries app on iPhone/iPad (and also on the recent M1 Mac) is great. The search clipboard function is very useful.

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