How often do you WK?

How often do you breathe? Same answer, I guess


I am on here doing reviews whenever I have a spare minute, between classes, during lunch break, after class, in bed, and when I should be doing homework/grocery shopping/cooking etc. It’s really addicting after a while, it’s such a rush every time you level an item or level up. Can’t stop won’t stop


On the bus before work, at work during breaks (and sometimes I just do 10 when not really on break), on the bus on my way from work and before going to bed.

I basically do it all the time.


I’m fairly new here myself. I was on duolingo too for a bit but moved on to WaniKani to work on kanji, which I felt Duo was lacking in. It’s super fun so far! And even though Duo stresses daily practice, I’m way more motivated for WK. And from what I’ve seen so far, the community here is way more active as well :smiley:

Everyday, or the number of reviews would become overwhelming.

Duolingo doesn’t really require everyday practice. The worst that will happen if you don’t show up for a week or a month is you’ll lose your streak. It’s artificial, you can pick it up from where you were before and build it up again. With WK, if you don’t do it every day you’ll very soon regret it because things pile up. FWIW, I do lessons every morning when available, followed by reviews, then two additional review sessions each day.

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Exchange work for university and that’s me, too.
This is my new Facebook. XD

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Three times per day!

Small review of random items in the morning + lessons.
Small review during lunch to catch the 4-hour interval after my lessons.
Large session in evening to do ALL THE REVIEWS (inc. 8-hour interval for new items).

Sometimes I fit in a cheeky 4pm sesh too :wink:

As many others have said here… if you don’t do your reviews, they will only grow stronger…


3-4 times a day… when I have time to!
My reviews have piled up and I have 500 right now so I’m crying trying to inch away at them but they pile before I can clear them…

I definitely WK at least a few hours every day even on a lazy day to get through lessons and reviews

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You’ll want to try to keep your reviews at 0 at the end of each And that will require doing ti pretty much every day. Now obviously this depends on how fast you want to progress. The faster you go the more active items you have and the more reviews you get per day. It also depends on your accuracy.

I tend keep up with reviews during the work day (thankfully I’m on a computer all day at work anyway), and again at night when I get home. It’s only weekends that I’ll occasionally skip a day, though this usually means a fairly large review session will be waiting for me.

So yeah, effectively every day.

I do reviews every hour from waking up until going to sleep and have somehow only slipped up by one hour four times since starting last April.

Always reviewing. All the time.
Always reviewing. All the time.
Always reviewing. All the time.

4 times a day, every 4 hours (if you read the FAQs and Guide, you’ll see that the SRS spacing for Apprentice items is based on multiples of 4 hours):

  • 7am - 21 lessons and all available reviews
  • 11am - all available reviews
  • 3pm - all available reviews (usually just a handful)
  • 7pm - all available reviews (this is the largest group, usually 90 - 110 reviews)



How often do I not WK?

only a little…

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I get on about this much:

Now, I clear reviews every morning and before I go to bed, although I often log in whenever I get a chance to do reviews.

Before I hit 60, the same, but in addition, I’d make sure to log in for my 4 and 8 hour apprentice reviews…

I go on at least once a day but, I’m pretty new here too. I did make my account back when it was beta but kinda forgot about it for a few years.

Sooo much time given to the crabigator. So much freely given.

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I try and review twice a day, usually right after work and then at night. When I’m “on” I can review multiple times a day. When I’m “off” because I’m traveling or otherwise occupied I can go 2-4 weeks without reviewing…

At the beginning: once a day.

Since I moved to Japan: Most days. Sometimes I don’t get to it, but I’m doing other Japanese study in its place and interacting with kanji daily. I’m already on pace for the summer N3, especially with kanji, so if I don’t have time to get to every single one of my study materials each day, I’m not going to stress.

Try to do it at least once a day, but also set a pace that’s reasonable with your overall study without beating yourself up.

Each time I do WK, I try to just do whatever’s in the queue. Sometimes that’s less than 100, sometimes it’s a couple hundred. Just depends on the schedule.