How many Counters does WaniKani teach?

How many different Counters does WaniKani teach over the sixty levels? Thank you.


A quick search of ā€œcounterā€ on the dashboard reveals about a dozen or more, depending on what you include maybe. There might be some that are technically counters, but for some reason donā€™t have the word counter in the item meaning.


Thereā€™s several kanji that function as counters as well as something else, but WaniKani only covers the ā€œsomething elseā€. Like ęœ¬ (恻悓), the counter for long, thin things, but which WaniKani only teaches as ā€œbookā€. Or é ­ (ćØ恆), the counter for large animals, but which WaniKani only teaches as ć‚ćŸć¾ meaning ā€œheadā€.


This isnā€™t really answering the question about counters that are taught in WaniKani but if you were just wondering about counters in general:


Thank you, I was hoping the counters would be included so I wouldnā€™t have to learn them on my Memrise account. Maybe Iā€™ll just wait and see what Iā€™m missing later on and fill in the gaps.

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thank you, I missed that search bar :slight_smile:

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