don’t let anyone going fast get you down… It’s been 3 years and I’m just about to level 37…that means ALWAYS doing my reviews every day (not always doing lessons - but I have NEVER reset)…but that’s my reality. It’s going to take me 5-6 years to finish it all.
You don’t hear from many of us that have to go slow for what it’s worth try to ignore the “I did it in a year” …those are the superstars that can retain stuff and actually get through…most people if they try to go that fast end up burning out and quit or go through many reset cycles and quit… (at least that’s my impression)
IMO…either dedicate all your jp learning for the next year to WK and go FAST if you can or … take it slow and steady… honestly though it took me a long time to find the current pacing looking at my stats and how much I can do with all the other studying I’m doing. I was in the 20s before I was getting death by leeches (IF WK would finally build a BUILT IN leech manager for the love of…)
tried keeping the apprentice items under control but in my case it wasn’t enough… looked at my overall stats and averaged all things together and found that my average level over the course of all the time is really going to be 40-45 days… so went with that and keep my NEXT days reviews about 100 based on my failure rate of about 30% (the WK intervals are horrible for me)
as an example i typically get about 40 reviews in the morning and based on how many reviews are the next day with the remaining after the 40 done… I see if the total goes above 100 and then don’t add any new lessons past that … it’s much slower this way but it’s manageable for me
Say Today it’s 6 am and I have 97 reviews pending.
I do my reviews on a break at work and do about 45 of them … leaving 52 left to do for the rest of the day
I look at the next day review numbers after my review lesson is complete … if the numbers of the next day review say 62 for example then I take the remaining 52*0.3 (failure rate) + next day 62 = 77.6 about 78 reviews the next day…ok great I can do lessons… I rarely do more than 10… usually 6-8.
Now say the next day same thing… I have for some reason 103 reviews pending at 6am and it’s morning break and I do 48 leaving 55 for the day.
taking the same math 55*.3 = 16.5
tomorrows review count is say 85… add that and it’s > 100…so no new lessons that day…
kind of round about way to do it…but for me it’s been working ok (prior to this I was doing 2-2.5 week level ups and hitting a leech wall from hell where I was being forced to spend 3 months or so just working on leeches w/o new lessons just to try to get them under some sort of control again
(WHEN WILL WK CREATE A BUILT IN LEECH MANAGER …with BUILT IN being the important part…yes there are scripts … don’t care BUILT IN!!! ) this is by far the main reason I don’t recommend wk to anyone anymore… SRS w/o some sort of built in leech manager is awful! the amount of time learning things wrong and wasting time on cards that you can’t suspend or do anything with… just makes you wanna quit.
You can see where I had to stop and just grind on leeches w/o doing lessons…was super demotivating!
and my current accuracy numbers are not great…they have been slowing working down over the past year but it is what it is…just maddening to see how times I’ve entered the incorrect answer (almost 40k shees)…makes me feel dumb…
but the thing to do is do your best to ignore the people that are always omg I did horrible and only got 90%…shees I’m happy when I break 75%…my average over the course of a day is about 72-74%…been consistently that way for the last 2 years…
focus on what you can do and try to find the speed at which you can progress w/o burnout and being overwhelmed. If you are intent on learning kanji quickly then get the reorder script, skip the vocab, and if that’s not fast enough then consider another resource…the first 3 levels being free really doesn’t tell you anything about how things will be when you climb to higher levels.
Best of luck!!!