How do you do the 情報検索 questions on the jlpt?

So im really confused it’s not like i don’t understand the words it’s just that i cant seem to find the information i need to answer the question.How do i do it , like which part of it do i look at first …Any help would be appreciated thank you so much!


You mean the reading comprehension questions? There is a couple of good rules to follow

  • the correct answer aligns 100% with the text. “almost correct” answers are not correct.

  • be wary of math - 400 is “double 200”, but anything noticeably lower/higher than that doesn’t count.

  • read the questions before reading the text to know what you’re looking for

  • try not to dwell and/or double-guess, otherwise you might lose time


Can you give us an example of the sort of question that’s got you confused?


Google Bard gave me this advice for the N1 reading section.

Here is some advice for the JLPT N1 reading section:

Before the exam:

  • Make sure you have a strong foundation in kanji and vocabulary. The N1 reading section is very challenging, and it is essential that you are able to read and understand the kanji and vocabulary used in the passages. You can use JLPT prep books, online resources, or other materials to study kanji and vocabulary.
  • Practice reading Japanese materials that are similar to the types of passages that appear on the JLPT. This could include newspaper articles, magazine articles, editorials, essays, and other nonfiction texts. You can find these types of materials online, in libraries, and at bookstores.
  • Time yourself as you read. This will help you to get a sense of how quickly you can read and comprehend Japanese text. It is also important to practice reading for long periods of time, as the N1 reading section is quite long.

During the exam:

  • Read the entire passage before answering any questions. This will help you to understand the overall meaning of the passage and the author’s main points.
  • Pay attention to transition words and phrases. These can help you to understand how the author is developing their argument or presenting their ideas.
  • If you don’t understand a word or phrase, try to figure out the meaning from the context. If you are still unsure, you can mark the question for review and come back to it later.
  • Don’t spend too much time on any one question. If you are stuck, move on to the next question and come back to the previous one later.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Don’t be afraid to skip around. You don’t have to read the passage in order from beginning to end. If you see a question that you can answer, go ahead and answer it.
  • Use your common sense. The JLPT is a test of your Japanese language skills, but it is also a test of your critical thinking skills. If an answer choice doesn’t make sense, it is probably wrong.
  • Don’t be discouraged if you don’t understand everything. The N1 reading section is very challenging, and even native Japanese speakers may not understand everything they read. Just do your best and try to answer as many questions as you can.

Good luck with your JLPT N1 exam!


I see Bard has picked up this bit of Japanese learner folk wisdom, but it remains absolute rubbish.


I would say, though debatable, not even the first part of this sentence is necessarily true. The second for sure not :smiley: .

Speaking of Japanese learner folk wisdom, I’ve seen some weird statements being made even by a Japanese teacher who thought N3 is somehow on the level of Japanese high schools. So wouldn’t be surprised if Bard ingested more of such unfiltered wisdom.


Hey man, I personally found it very eye opening where they said you need to have a strong foundation in grammar and words in order to read N1 content. I understand needing grammar, but I would have never thought you need to know words for reading. You learn something new every day.


Anyway, back to the topic, the 情報検索 questions are the “find the info in the flyer/advert/poster” type questions, like 問題14 (Q30 and 31) in the N2 sample questions pdf, right?

urgh i hate those. when you have enough time they are not that hard, but because they are at the end of the exam and either way the time is limited, they almost always break me…
first time taking N1 i totally missed a second flyer thingy and was so confused what the question wanted from me. :sweat_smile:


Yeah hahaha I completely disagree with that. haha

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Nah, I saw a guy on youtube who doesn’t know any japanese pass the N1 by studying for 3 months.


Yup those are the ones

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