How do you brave 500+ reviews?

Hello, yes, I am listening :slight_smile:


Also, I don’t know how true this is because I’ve been having minimum 90-120 vocab lessons during these fast levels, that doesn’t seem like a lot less

Don’t worry, even if MissMisc and Vanilla don’t, xyzbuster先輩 will notice you.


You can do 500+ review easily with a good beer (or 2). This is my secret technique.


If you assume a base of 100 vocabulary for each level, then level 50 has around 414 more vocabulary than 5000. At level 60, you learn approximately 6300 vocab. That means a whole levels worth of vocab is gone. Furthermore, if you consider each set of ten levels as having about 80 or so more than their respective amount, then you will notice that levels 50-60 do not progress the numbers by 80 or so. Does that make sense, or was that too confusing?

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Ah man, if only I could have like a 1000+ review session, black out from drinking too much, and have all of it done with like a 95% percent accuracy. Would be the best feeling ever.

Ah, I cannot guarantee 95% accuracy. But your review queue will be empty :slight_smile:
If you take a light beer (25cl 4%), you can maintain good accuracy.

Yeah, that’s what I meant but maybe did not clarify. It only really starts to get that level after two months when those items get into the higher SRS levels.

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Back to the original topic, I think that spacing out the lessons would be the best strategy. If your goal is to go at max speed, waiting maybe two weeks or so can space out the reviews enough that you are able to continue onward at a round 7 day leveling speed. It’s also really important because those reviews will come back up, and it really demotivates one to see all of a sudden an increased amount of work several months later.

It’s also super crucial for this time, because you are about to reach the first fast level, level 26. That will require you getting every kanji correct each time they show up with no room for error, something you need to prepare for definitely.

I think… I understand… what you’re saying…


Why are you making me think in math on a Japanese learning site?? >:o

Heheh, but yeah I see what you’re saying, maybe the significantly less vocab comes at the very end in the last couple levels, just for now the 90-120ish range for new vocab lessons doesn’t necessarily seem like a lot less, especially when you’re making sure to clear them in 3 days before the next level up

BUT, regardless, it’s totally manageable and you really do get “better at learning Japanese” as you go, so it’s really not as bad as it sounds

がんばりましょう !

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Yup, honestly it feeels pretty amazing to look at level 50s stuff now and compare it to before. Like, when I was level 4 looking at them, I thought, man what the heck is this moonrune goobly goop. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics looked more organized. Now with a lot of the radicals learned, I can easily disect any new kanji I learn and memorize it naturally. Amazing how those radicals help with kanji learning. And you learn most of them by level 14 too!


I’m level 14 and

  • Give 100 euros to a friend/family member.
  • Tell them they can only give the money back if you finish all the 500 reviews on that day.
  • Fight for your money.

Ha. A Japanese friend offered to do my WK reviews for me cause I’ve turned into a hermit and refuse to meet if I have a lot coming up.


The best type of friends :smirk:

I take a deep breath, put on some music (normally some lofi), and then kick some butt. Preferably some review butt, assuming they have butts

If they don’t, whose butt do you start kicking? Do you put the butt kicking on halt or does someone else become the victim?

I guess I’d kick my own butt into gear :sunglasses:

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Ah, the classic give someone your money and then beat the crap out of them for taking your money. A cunning strategy indeed.


Load up a few hours’ worth of music and work mindlessly. When I finally decided to start working on my 700+ pile of reviews it was disheartening to get most of them wrong, but approaching it as just hanging out with tunes really helped. I didn’t try to set any goals, I just got used to doing endless reviews that only stopped when I quit for the day. Now that I finally caught up and my reviews are low enough to complete in one sitting, I kind of miss that hanging out with those tunes.