Greetings fellow followers of the Crabigator!
As we can all know, getting our reviews correct means we don’t need to do as many of them.
However, just how pronounced is this effect? How does a 95% pass rate compare to a 90% or an 80%?
Well I’m here to try and give you some kind of answer, using the power of excel spreadsheets!
If you don’t like Probability or spreadsheets, but want to know the results, skip to the end, I won’t take it personally.
For those still up here, thank you! My feelings were really hurt by those who skipped past
First, let’s make some assumptions so that I can make an analysis work:
- Your pass rate remains constant (Obviously false but we can still make some useful conclusions out of it)
- Failing at App 1 will add one review, since you will need to repeat the App 1 stage but cannot be sent back any further.
- Failing between App 2 and 4 will add 2 reviews - one from the previous stage and one from the need to repeat the stage you failed at.
- Failing at Guru+ incurs 3 more reviews - two from the previous stages you are sent back to and one from repeating the failed stage.
Assumptions over, huzzah!
Now let’s get into the details.
If we have a 100% pass rate on an item, then going through all the SRS stages will take 8 reviews to graduate from Apprentice 1 to Burned. Easy! Done right?!
Unfortunately, we can’t have 100% pass rates on every radical/kanji/vocab, so we need to bust out our proper analytical skills.
For now, let’s assume a 90% pass rate and see where that takes us.
100% of reviews will start out at Apprentice 1, and for each step, 90% will make it to the next SRS stage. With this, let’s calculate the chance of making it past each stage.
App 1 | App 2 | App 3 | App 4 | Guru 1 | Guru 2 | Master | Enlightened | |
reviews until burn | ||||||||
0.9 | 0.81 | 0.729 | 0.6561 | 0.59049 | 0.531441 | 0.4782969 | 0.43046721 | 8 |
At a 90% pass rate, we only have a a 43% chance of making past the Enlightened phase with the minimum number of reviews.
Now, what happens if - Crabigator forbid - you fail a review at some point?
In the simplest case, we fail exactly once at the Apprentice 1 stage and then get everything right from there, this is the only way to have 9 reviews of an item. 10% of items would fail at the apprentice phase, so the calculations are the same here, but with a proportion of 0.1 times as many making it through.
App 1 | App 2 | App 3 | App 4 | Guru 1 | Guru 2 | Master | Enlightened | |
reviews until burn | ||||||||
0.9 | 0.81 | 0.729 | 0.6561 | 0.59049 | 0.531441 | 0.4782969 | 0.43046721 | 8 |
0.09 | 0.081 | 0.0729 | 0.06561 | 0.059049 | 0.0531441 | 0.04782969 | 0.043046721 | 9 |
at a 90% pass rate, 4.3% of items will need 9 reviews
Now it starts to get more interesting!
10 reviews could be had by failing in App 1 twice, then being totally accurate.
They could also occur by failing once between App 2 and 4 and otherwise finishing with complete accuracy.
I’ve added these possibilities by sending them down from previous columns two rows down and one to the left.
App 1 | App 2 | App 3 | App 4 | Guru 1 | Guru 2 | Master | Enlightened | |
reviews until burn | ||||||||
0.9 | 0.81 | 0.729 | 0.6561 | 0.59049 | 0.531441 | 0.4782969 | 0.43046721 | 8 |
0.09 | 0.081 | 0.0729 | 0.06561 | 0.059049 | 0.0531441 | 0.04782969 | 0.043046721 | 9 |
0.09 | 0.1539 | 0.20412 | 0.183708 | 0.1653372 | 0.14880348 | 0.133923132 | 0.120530819 | 10 |
And so we have another 12.1%!
One more hard bit to go!
for review counts 11 and below, we can have different combinations of possibilities coming in.
Here will be the possibilities of:
- three fails at Apprentice 1
- one fail at Apprentice 1 plus one fail between Apprentice 2 and 4
- one fail at Guru +
The Guru fail probabilities will be sent three rows down and two columns to the left.
App 1 | App 2 | App 3 | App 4 | Guru 1 | Guru 2 | Master | Enlightened | |
reviews until burn | ||||||||
0.9 | 0.81 | 0.729 | 0.6561 | 0.59049 | 0.531441 | 0.4782969 | 0.43046721 | 8 |
0.09 | 0.081 | 0.0729 | 0.06561 | 0.059049 | 0.0531441 | 0.04782969 | 0.043046721 | 9 |
0.09 | 0.1539 | 0.20412 | 0.183708 | 0.1653372 | 0.14880348 | 0.133923132 | 0.120530819 | 10 |
0.0171 | 0.02268 | 0.086022 | 0.1305639 | 0.1653372 | 0.191850201 | 0.172665181 | 0.155398663 | 11 |
From here, I can extrapolate all rows down continuously until I’ve got the accuracy I desire. (image may contain spoilers)
I can then find the average expected number of reviews to burn by multiplying the proportion being burned in each column by the number of reviews in that column, then summing these all up.
Get in touch if you want a copy of the original spreadsheet, seems I can’t upload it directly.
By doing some maths we can work out the average expected reviews for an item by assuming a consistent pass rate.
By Varying the assumed pass rate We can find a few figures:
Edit: Note - pass rate refers to the amount of items passing onto the next stage, which can be quite different, (seemingly a fair bit lower) than wanikani’s provided accuracy rating.
Pass rate | Avg Reviews |
100% | 8 |
95% | 9.1 |
90% | 10.5 |
85% | 12.4 |
80% | 15.1 |
78.6% | 16 |
75% | 19 |
Based on this, I’d say aim to keep those rates around 90%, as rates below that start to have greater effects on review count!
You may also like to note that you’ll need to do twice as many reviews if your pass rate falls below 78.6%!
edit: now with graphs!
The low probability at 9 reviews is expected, but the large drop in probability of 12 reviews for every pass rate is interesting! My rational is that the 12 vales are low because of the probabilities passing down via failed guru+ reviews which would add 3. Since being at 9 is already so unlikely, not many of these guru fails would occur.
(If you can follow train of thought here from that awful explanation you deserve a medal)
From what I can tell the numbers have come out looking fairly reasonable, however -
I very well may have made mistakes somewhere that make these results inaccurate.
If that’s the case, I’m sorry! They should still hopefully be relatively close!