Hotkey for male voice?

Whenever I press J for the audio, I get the female voice. Is there a way to assign a separate key (e.g. the next-door K key) to play the male voice?

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You can set your default voice here: WaniKani — Log in
Kyoko is the lady voice, and Kenichi is the gentleman voice.

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Cheers. It would be great to hear both, especially since Kenichi seems to do the Tokyo “ng” thing. Not possible, I guess!

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They both do, but it’s more audible from Kenichi. If you have an Android, you can use the Flaming Durtles app, you can set the voices to random there.

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Really? I’ve only listened to a couple of hundred since coming back to WK, but I find that Kyoko speaks with a very clear hard “g” sound, whereas Kenichi has a very strong “ng” sound. あがる is just one example, but it’s been pretty consistent for the smallish sample I’ve tried so far.

I have a script which binds I to play the voice which is not preferred (i.e. Kenichi if you have Kyoko as default).

I have a script which randomises the voice actor as well




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Oh my oh my! Whenever this appears I get excited because. Well, you know why.

Totally using this. Thanks @Kumirei!!! :kissing_smiling_eyes:


Perfect, thank you!

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Hotkey for hot male… now that’s a userscript idea. Sei, sei, sei, sei!


I will get Hard Gay as a VA and make a hotkey for his voice


Shouldn’t all the audio just be せい?


He’s retired and is now called “Hard Cis-Het”

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issue: the shortkey :information_source: plays the alternate actor voice, but its does not match the current word review! The J is working correctly.

Could it be that I installed both scripts above together?

Yeah, I just didn’t account for that since it would be a lot more work checking whether you have answered the question, whether it was the reading question, and matching it to the audio elements. I might fix it later, but it’s not a priority

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Hi @Kumirei, I have a request.
Could you make it so the script works when doing lessons too?

Sure, I’ll have a look at it


I have updated both scripts


Still doesn’t work in lessons. I press the i-button but there’s no sound. j-button gives me my default audio. Am I pressing the wrong button? :eyes: They work fine in reviews, though.

I made it in such a way that it only works when WK usually lets you play the audio, so are you sure that J was working in the same situation where I was not?

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