I (and most of you, too) already know both ひらがな and カタカナ. But, I made a Javascript program that will test you through 50 rounds, and at the end, give you a percentage score. This might not be that useful to most of you, after all, you already know this - and you’re here for kanji. But for the beginners, who need to practice their kana, here’s a test to practice your kana. Hiragana/Katakana Test - Improved Version!
Oh, and I forgot to add, that particles are not deemed as “correct”. は will be accepted as “ha”, but not “wa”. へ is “he” but not “e”, and so on. But, with the exception of を / ヲ. They will be accepted as “o” but not “wo”, as they are exclusively particles. I also included ゔ and ヴ for no reason at all, and they will be accepted as “vu”. If you see a long vowel, or a small っ / ッ, just type what you see. っs is “ss”, おう is “ou”.
You are wrong.
BTW, this is what WaniKani exactly uses - http://wanakana.com/
I don’t really realize all of these either, but I think it is good to know. WanaKana/romajiToKanaMap.js at master · WaniKani/WanaKana · GitHub
I am sorry @polv, that is just how I learned it, so I put it as matching “dji”. Also, I would put “duplicate” kana like づ, ぢゃ, ぢょ, ぢゅ with a mix of pronunciation and “syllabary-matching”. Just a heads-up, づ, ぢゃ, ぢょ, ぢゅ would be “dzu”, “dja”, “djo”, and “dju”. I know it seems silly, but that is how the keyboard I use to type 日本語 works. To type づ, you would type “dzu” and it would type づ. On the other hand, typing “du” would also type this, but Lexilogos (Hiragana) over here recommends typing “dzu”, as it shows over the box with づ in it. I am very sorry for the inconvenience (that makes me sound like a bot), but for future notice, when you see a “duplicate” kana, first put the matching consonant, then the pronounced consonant. So for example, ヂュ would be “dju”.
Actually, I see it as Kana rows, so
づ, ぢゃ, ぢょ, ぢゅ - du, dya, dyo, dyu
This will also keep the pattern consistent. (I don’t care about actual pronunciation. Not that English pronunciation itself is consistent. More true when you include Latin.)
But in the end, I don’t think it really matters, other than whether you can type it or not. Also, I don’t think everyone use QWERTY layout. There is Kana layout on PC, and Flick keyboard on mobile, as well.
Are you sure that the short versions do not work? They should. What IME are you using?
@Kumirei The short versions do work, but Lexilogos (the keyboard I use) is a bit clunky. It uses different IMEs for ひらがな / カタカナ and if you look on their ひらがな / カタカナ keyboards (not 漢字, that works differently), it says that づ / ヅ should be typed “dzu”. Same for ぢ / ヂ. It is “dji”. They can be typed like “di” / “du”, but if you look above the box with づ / ヅ in it, it says “dzu” in big red letters. Also, as I said, the IMEs are a bit clunky, as typing in the combination of letters “dju” on the “all 3 writing systems” keyboard will yield “dじゅ”. But in uppercase, it gives you a “ヅ”. And, it switches when you use the Hiragana / Katakana keyboards! On the Hiragana, it gives you a “づ”, and on the Katakana, it gives you a “dジュ”. So in the end, my IME is definitely quite clunky. But, I really can’t find many other Kanji keyboards that work like it, so I’m honestly not that sure on what to do about that.
I know it might seem like a strange suggestion, but would you ever consider using a more standard method such as the native IME of your operating system (and/or the built-in one for reviews)?
Maybe put a disclaimer in the first post that it’s going to use non-standard entry or at the least that it presumes Lexilogos input.
I think it’s fine if it doesn’t, but it does need to be mentioned so that you can tell whether it’s useful to you or not.
I am sorry, @alo, but I do not know how to edit posts!
When you’re on the forum website itself, there’s an icon that looks like a grey version of