Help please :)?

So, ive been learning japanese for about 5 months now does anyone have any recommendations for websites to help learn grammar faster?


Tae Kim is sort of a go to for many. You could also check out Bunpro, though Iā€™ve never used it. Also, Tofugu has a LOT of grammar articles worth looking into.


First of all welcome to the community! Iā€™m still relatively new here myself but the people here are always welcoming and helpful! Now regarding your question. If you are looking for an actual website many here recommend However, it is best used as a supplementary resource to practice not learn grammar.

Personally I havenā€™t found a website that helps with grammar as much as Wanikani helps with Kanji. I can only tell you what I have found useful and that is a combination of Genki 1 which is a pretty popular textbook and YouTube channels. I struggle with textbook learning so I need extra resources to help drill the points into my head. I would highly recommend TokiAndy as you go through Genki and CureDolly. CureDolly takes some getting used to but donā€™t judge it too quickly. Her explanations are very simple and have helped me understand things from a different perspective.


I will pretend i didnā€™t see that :laughing:

I should have clarified I havenā€™t used it much myself. I tried to but didnā€™t make it very far. Itā€™s just what Iā€™ve read from other people. Wasnā€™t trying to down it for anyone who has used it extensively. :grinning:


Well i used couple other things when i started at first but now i exclusively bunpro. Not sure if i recommend what i did but i am happy with it so far.

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I may give it another shot when I get some more vocab and grammar down from other sources :+1:

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Thank you guys for the help. ive already been reading the Tofugu articles and Tae Kim ill look into bunpro :slight_smile:

Iā€™m learning a lot from Misa 恛悓恛恄.

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Also one last thing, does it usually take 15- 20 hours to do another review?

Read through the Help guide. Thereā€™s a section that explains the SRS times. Believe me youā€™ll be up to your neck in reviews in no time.

I used Lingodeer. They have 2 Japanese courses. Itā€™s very fast-paced and compact, but I learned a ton. I read somewhere that it covers almost all (95%?) of Genki I and II.

Itā€™s a paid subscription, though. I finished it in 6 months so for me I donā€™t think a Lifetime sub was necessary but it was on sale. :stuck_out_tongue:

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My personal favorite is the Organic Japanese with Cure Dolly youtube series. The presentation can be a bit jarring at first, but if you watch the first two lessons I think youā€™ll be hooked. She breaks everything down in a very logical and simple way. Even people who have been studying Japanese for years find it helpful.


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