Hard stuck lvl 5 over a year

My suggestions:

  1. Understanding how WaniKani’s level up system works

For this, I highly recommend reading this guide (don’t worry about the title, it’s worth reading even if you can’t or don’t want to finish WK in a year), especially chapter 4:

  1. Figuring out how you can fit WK into your daily life

The guide above has some suggestions about that, and other posters on this thread have also shared their ideas.

It’s not necessarily about checking WaniKani all the time, or spending several hours a day. Basically, on a day with lessons, ideally you would access WaniKani two or three times a day:

  • Morning lesson pattern: lessons in the early morning, first reviews at lunchtime, second reviews in the evening.
  • Evening lesson pattern: lessons in the early evening, first reviews at night before going to sleep, second reviews early in the next morning.