Halloween/ Spooky Summer Reading Club 👻 🎃 🌞

I have a ton of stories I bookmarked as “horror”, need to go find them. I even set a reminder on this post and still forgot.


One more from me (this one’s a manga!):



Author: 楳図 かずお
Page count: 318
Natively level: Ungraded; L25 as a placeholder





In the aftermath of a massive earthquake, a Japanese elementary school is transported into a hostile world where the students and teachers are besieged by terrifying creatures and beset by madness.

Out of nowhere, an entire school vanishes, leaving nothing but a hole in the ground. While parents mourn and authorities investigate, the students and teachers find themselves not dead but stranded in a terrifying wasteland where they must fight to survive.


Amazon, Bookwalker
ebook: yes

Why do you recommend this book?

This is apparently one of the granddaddies of horror manga, being an inspiration for Junji Ito himself. There are six volumes, so if we wanted to read the full thing it’s pretty doable.

That Japanese summary is pretty whoa; I actually checked a couple of different places to see if the first one I found was bad somehow, but no…

Reading Sample



Here’s a quick list of nominations, since they’re a bit scattered atm:

Sorry for the no pretty pictures; just wanted to toss a list up for the moment.


Thank you for taking the trouble! I was just thinking that I should make a nomination list post, and you beat me to it. :smiley:


Feel free to set something up nicer if you’d like; I can alter my original post, but it may take me a bit to get to it. :sweat_smile:


I did make a list in the OP after all, easier to find. I used your list as a basis though, so thanks for the help :slight_smile:


I own both of these and actually began reading the second one, but didn’t finish it. I wasn’t really in the right headspace for it at the time.

I guess I’ll nominate one or two shortly. Most of what I have on hold is Aozora short stories which I think would do better for Halloween time.



Author: 五十嵐 貴久
Page count: 406
Natively level: It’s not on Natively yet but I read another one of the author’s books (here) and it landed at 28



平凡な会社員がネットで出会ったリカは恐るべき怪物だった。長い黒髪を振り乱し、エスカレートするリカの狂気から、もう、逃れることはできないのか? 第2回ホラーサスペンス大賞受賞作。


Rika, an ordinary office worker, is a terrifying monster she met on the Internet. With her long black hair in disarray, is there any way to escape Rika’s escalating madness? Winner of the 2nd Horror Suspense Grand Prize.


Amazon, Bookwalker
ebook: yes

Why do you recommend this book?

The TV show (both original and リバース) feature Rika as a deeply obsessive and vain woman who does not accept reality which doesn’t align with her desires. Both were incredibly campy. The movie was also campy, but veered a bit too dark for what I was prepared for after seeing the shows.
Here’s some trailers to give you an idea how how it’s been adapted: movie, リバース show
I honestly have no clue if the movie or the shows are that close to the book or not, sometimes adaptations are way off.

Reading Sample



I was almost done typing up a nomination for 残穢 in this list: 夏に読みたい妖や怪異に関する不思議な本13選 - ゴミ本なんてない because the list writer gave it 3/3 horror, 1/3 grotesque and it sounded perfect


And then I saw it didn’t have an ebook and it wouldn’t be right to nominate a non-ebook for omk3’s favorite club :sweat: I hope they make it an ebook though because it sounds like something you’d like!


Thank for thinking about me, but I’m not sure my own preferences should translate to rules for this club. I’ve included the information about whether each nomination is available in ebook in the OP, and if people still want to read a book even if it’s not available digitally, who am I to say no? :slight_smile:


I’ll still leave it to someone else to nominate if they feel so inclined. Goodness knows my own bookshelves are overflowing, do I really need more paperbacks when I have a few years worth of reading to go through yet? :stuck_out_tongue:


Okay, since there haven’t been any new nominations in the last few days, and there were some people possibly interested in starting in July, I’m thinking it might be best to start the poll earlier rather than later. I’m thinking of possibly setting up the poll on Sunday, so if you have any last minute nominations, now is the time! :slight_smile:


Here is our first poll! This is for choosing a book for summer reading :sun_with_face: . There will be another poll for Halloween closer to the time.

You can see the list of nominations in the OP. The poll will close automatically on 2023-06-25T20:45:00Z. You have up to 2 options. :ghost: :ghost:


We’ve got some good options here, I think. Voted for shorter ones due to nothing but time constraints; I’m hoping I’ll be freer in October for some good spook.

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I went to vote for 3 til I saw I could only do two. Definitely some overlap with my interests here!


It’s probably too late now, but the リカ link is misformatted in the poll @omk3. Looks like it’s also misformatted in the OP as well, though, so that should be fixable.


Thanks for the heads up, I fixed it in the OP. It’s too late for the poll though…

Yes I thought two choices would be enough given the small number of nominations, but I too found I wanted to vote for more. However no nomination will be removed, and we’ll get a second chance voting for Halloween, so it should be okay I hope.


Just a note, we haven’t discussed pace at all, but if we want to keep it as a purely summer read, the pace would have to be ABC or faster. We could start a thread, define sections, and let everyone read at their own pace like the informal clubs, or have a specific (but necessarily fast) schedule for everyone to follow. I tend towards the former option, but what are your thoughts?

  • Single thread/ everyone reads at their own pace
  • Weekly threads/ everyone (tries to) keep to a set schedule
  • Other (please explain your idea)

0 voters

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These look like some really fun options! I actually read リング on my own a few months ago since its nomination never seemed to get much traction in the IBC. It was really enjoyable- unlike the movie it leaned more toward mystery than horror. I had never seen the movie until I watched it after finishing the book. It was a good adaptation but certainly very different.

予言の島 seems really intriguing- I wonder if it’s like the sixth sense where you get some information at the end that recontextualizes everything.

I also really like Junji Ito so reading a manga that inspired him sounds very cool.


Oh that’s a very interesting idea! Loved that movie and its plot twist. Let’s see :blush: