Halloween/ Spooky Summer Reading Club 👻 🎃 🌞



Page count: 347
Natively level:ぼぎわんが、来る | L36



幸せな新婚生活を営んでいた田原秀樹の会社に、とある来訪者があった。取り次いだ後輩の伝言に戦慄する。それは生誕を目前にした娘・知紗の名前であった。正体不明の噛み傷を負った後輩は、入院先で憔悴してゆく。その後も秀樹の周囲に不審な電話やメールが届く。一連の怪異は、亡き祖父が恐れていた“ぼぎわん”という化け物の仕業なのだろうか? 愛する家族を守るため秀樹は伝手をたどり、比嘉真琴という女性霊媒師に出会う。真琴は田原家に通いはじめるが、迫り来る存在が極めて凶暴なものだと知る。はたして“ぼぎわん"の魔の手から、逃れることはできるのか……。怪談・都市伝説・民俗学――さまざまな要素を孕んだ空前絶後のノンストップ・ホラー!!



Tahara Hideki is happily married when he receives a visitor at his office. He is horrified by the message from a junior colleague who intercedes. It was the name of his daughter Chisa, who was about to be born. The junior employee, who had suffered an unidentified bite wound, became exhausted at the hospital. Afterwards, Hideki receives suspicious phone calls and emails around him. Could the series of strange occurrences be the work of a monster called “Bogiwan”, which his late grandfather had feared? In order to protect his beloved family, Hideki follows a trail and meets a female medium named Higa Makoto. Makoto begins to visit the Tahara family, but discovers that the looming presence is extremely ferocious. Can she escape the clutches of the “bogiwan”? … Ghost stories, urban legends, folklore - an unprecedented, non-stop horror film filled with a variety of elements!

The winner of the 22nd Japan Horror Novel Award (Grand Prize), praised not only by the finalists but also by all the preliminary selection committee members.
(automatic DeepL translation)


Amazon, Bookwalker
ebook: yes

Why do you recommend this book?

Watching booktubers’ videos on scary books, this one was often recommended as truly scary. It has won the Japan Horror Award, and apparently it’s going to be made into a movie too. I just noticed that the writer is the same as in my previous nomination though, so if we get many nominations we might want to remove one of these two for variety.

Reading Sample

Read the first 60 pages on Bookwalker