[quote=“AnimeCanuck, post:135, topic:16582, full:true”]
I’m thinking of trying the N5 test (from the jlpt bootcamp website’s downloads) either between book I and II or after book II… Maybe the N4 one right after (if I do them both at the end of II).
Anyone else have similar goals?
[/quote]@AnimeCanuck, I passed N5 (last December 2016). From what I can tell (from your posts here), your listening skills are better than mine. You have most of the necessary kanji. You must complete all of Genki Volume 1 before N5. Genki Volume 2 would be overkill and prepare your for N4.
You should prepare for the test by doing sample questions. You have to practice JLPT questions so that you don’t sit in the exam trying to work out what they want you to do. If you want more info about N5 preparation, I posted a list of the resources I used.
You could do N5 in July and N4 in December. You cannot do both N5 and N4 in December (not permitted by JLPT administrators).