Friday June 3 2022 Content Updates

ただいま〜!Big thanks to Sayaka for taking care of things while I was away :blush:


(4) - Added “etiquette” as an alternative meaning and “bow” to the allow list.

(1) - Added しも and もと kun’yomi readings.

(8) - Added つが and つがい kun’yomi readings.

(29) - Added “scary” to the allow list.

(29) - Added “fear” to the allow list.

(27) - Added “illness” to the allow list.

(32) - Added “eye” to the allow list.


吐く (34) - Added つく to the reading warning list.

上手 (2) - Added うわて and かみて to the reading warning list.

下手 (2) - Added したて,したで, and しもて to the reading warning list.

(7) - Added うお to the reading warning list.

零れる (48) - Added “to get spilled” as the primary meaning, made “to spill” an alternative meaning, added “to overflow” as an alternative meaning, “to be spilled” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

追い越す (34) - Added “to surpass”, “to pass”, and “to pull ahead” as alternative meanings and updated meaning explanation.

伝える (11) - Added “to roll” and “to curve” to the blocklist.

少ない (3) - Changed “few” from alternative to primary meaning and moved “a few” to the allow list.

笑う (16) - Added “to smile” to the allow list.

〜人 (3) - Added “amount of people” to the allow list.

傷心 (32) - Added “broken heart”, “heartbroken”, “grief” and “sorrow” to the allow list.

恩賞 (32) - Moved “a reward” to the allow list.

編集 (31) - Added “editing”, “compile” and “compilation” to the allow list, and added two context sentences.

初回 (11) - Added “first”, “the first” and “initial” to the allow list.

心理 (7) - Added “mindset” to the allow list.

不良 (11) - Moved “poor” to the allow list, and added “defective” and “hooligan” to the allow list.

見事 (11) - Moved “feat” to allow list, and added “praiseworthy”, “marvelous”, “excellent”, “brilliant” and “superb” to the allow list.

見物 (11) - Moved “watching”, “viewing” and “viewer” to allow list, added “looking”, “visiting” and “seeing the sights” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

流行 (12) - Added “stream” to the block list.

住所 (8) - Added “residence” to the allow list.


Thank you, Kumirei!


Thanks Jenny :slight_smile: .


My personal favorite. :wink:

Welcome back!


I don’t know what you mean :face_with_peeking_eye:

Thank you!


Thank you, Sayaka


Thank you, Csinger


Thank you, Jenny! And welcome back! :grin:


So what does this mean for those of us with bow on the synonym list? Will it no longer work or do user added words trump the warning list? I’m not sure if the warning list lets it through but tells you that you are a bit off, or if that’s the one that shakes it and says try again.

can you let it accept し as a reading for 次 as in 次第?

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Yes, it shakes it

Hi @kellamity! Currently the warning list trumps the user synonym list, so it will shake even if you have “bow” as a user synonym. We’re in the middle of discussing whether we should switch “bow” over to the allow list for this reason!

Edit: we decided to move “bow” to the allow list instead, so it will still be accepted if you enter it.

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Thanks for pointing this out @Korekaramo_gambaru! I’ve added し to the kanji. :ballot_box_with_check: