Hello everyone! I’m posting this week’s Content Update while Jenny’s on vacation
Happy Holidays!
太 (3) - Updated the meaning mnemonic, meaning hint, reading mnemonic, and reading hint.
椎 (58) - Added “spine” as the primary and “evergreen beech” as an alternative meaning, moved “oak” and “oak tree” to the allow list, added “beech” to the allow list, moved the すい reading to the allow list, added しい as a reading, and updated the meaning mnemonic, meaning hint, reading mnemonic, and reading hint.
人 (1) - Updated the example sentence.
来る (5) - Added “to climb” to the block list.
体 (5) - Added てい to the reading warning list.
動く (12) - Added “to function” to the meaning, moved “to operate” to the allow list, and added “to be in operation” to the allow list.
敗れる (17) - Added “to be taken” to the block list.
並 (28) - Added “regular” and “regular-sized” to the allow list.
欠伸 (38) - Added “suru-verb” to the part of speech.
埋もれる (41) - Added うずもれる to the reading warning list.
赴任 (55) - Updated the example sentence.
右側 (17) - Added “left-hand side” to the block list.
左側 (17) - Added “right-hand side” to the block list.
脊椎 (58) - Updated the meaning mnemonic.