This isnt a kanji question, more a grammar question so I hope thats ok.
I am just wanting to check that I am not alone on this, but I can read certain sentences such as:
“ゆいさん は 背が低い です”
“ゆいさん は きれい です”
quite easily but as soon as I string those together with the adjective / noun te form such as:
“ゆいさん は 背が低くて、きれい です”
My brain has a great struggle putting them together, for example, if I was to change the tense to past tense:
“ゆいさん は 背が低くて、きれい でした”
Im too busy trying to link the adjectives and relate them to the person in my head, that I forget to notice the tense and my brain isnt telling me that I am turning this in to an “and” statement. So I am reading them as single statements still in my head.
Im just wanting some confirmation that this is normal in the process of learning to read (and listen) and that if I keep at it, will start to come more naturally.