Soooo I hadn’t been doing my reviews much due to me being in school and having a somewhat hectic schedule this school year. That and I didn’t want to mix up the kanji I was learning in Japanese class with the kanji I was learning here (if that’s even possible??) so took a hiatus. At the highest point, I had 300+ reviews waiting for me… _(。⊿°」∠)_
But now that school’s finally over for now I’ve been chipping away at my reviews and finally got to the bottom of the pile. Some of those kanji haven’t seen the light of day since 2022… and my brain utterly forgot that words like 対立 even existed, so you could imagine how fun that went. ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ彡:computer:
Anyway, I’m saying all of this to say that even if you, yes you, dear reader, may have a Godzilla-sized amount of reviews waiting for you, even just putting in 20 minutes a day can whittle it down a lot. That, and I’m rooting for you! 頑張りましょう!(۶•̀ᴗ•́)۶