噂 (33) - added 噌 (35) as visually similar kanji.
秋 (15) - added しゅう as the on’yomi.
身 (8) - updated context sentence.
高等学校 (20) - added “high school” to meanings.
高校 (7) - added “senior high school” to meanings.
大丈夫 (18) - added “OK” and “alright” to allow list.
期待 (12) - added “hope,” “hoping,” and “anticipation” to allow list.
置く (22) - added “to put” to meanings.
学歴 (19) - added “education history,” “education background,” “education record,” “educational history,” “educational background,” and “educational record” to allow list.
目的 (14) - added “objective” and “intention” to allow list.
〜人 (3) - added “person” to allow list and moved “people counter” to allow list.
癒着 (55) - added “cohesion” to block list.
特技 (14) - added “special skill” to allow list.
酔う (35) - added “to be sick” to the block list.
欲しい (32) - moved “to want” to allow list.
好き (11) - moved “to like” to allow list.
嫌い (20) - moved “to dislike” and “to hate” to allow list.
大嫌い (22) - added “really hate” to meanings and moved “to hate” and “to really hate” to allow list.
大好き (13) - moved “to really like,” “to love,” “to like a lot,” and “to like very much” to allow list.
臭い (20) - moved “to be stinky” and “to be smelly” to allow list and added “be stinky” and “be smelly” to allow list.
足りない (6) - moved “to not be sufficient,” “to not be enough,” and “to be insufficient” to allow list and added “not be sufficient,” “not be enough,” and “be insufficient” to allow list.