Extra study/ Self study quiz replacement

I loved using the self-study script to drill new kanji a few times right after i learned them to help kick-start my SRS process. It worked perfectly for me because I could tailor the item type, SRS type, and level of review items. (as well as the auto-advance on correct items, which made reviewing feel lightning-fast)

Unfortunately, I have a new work computer that uses a secure browser that doesn’t allow the use of any extensions so I can’t use user scripts anymore for WK. Right now the script I’m feeling the lack of the most is the self-study script! Does anyone have any suggestions for a suitable replacement? Ideally I’d be able to filter the items I need the extra help on and be able to type the answers.

(If only native WK had options to tailor the “Extra Study” “Recent Lessons” widget in a useful manner… but no filters at all really makes it pointless for my purposes because I only need the extra reinforcement on a few kanji. The “Recent Mistakes” panel has a similar problem…)

If anyone has any suggestions I’d love to hear them. ;__;
I’m really feeling like my learning has been handicapped without the scripts I love (Jitai, Keisei semantic/phonetic composition, double check ofc, stroke order, SRS levels etc…)


What is stopping you from downloading a portable version of Firefox and installing the scripts there? You don’t need installation permissions for that as portable browsers don’t insert anything into OS.

You could try using Tangochou, you can put the WK api key there, synchronize the subjects (radicals, kanji, vocab) and then create decks based on WK, you can also filter by level and type.

Or if it’s simpler just try to get your favorite user scripts running somehow on your work computer!

I would expect that if a company’s IT/CS policies dictate not allowing users to install/run unauthorized software, that would also violate those policies.


Export to Anki Web or Kitsun, and continue from there. Add a link to Wiktionary, as a replacement for stroke order or Kanji composition.

I think I saw Anki sync script somewhere. Item Inspector script can always export. Otherwise, via wkstats and Copy+Paste.

Tangochou looks like a simpler and better option, though.


not only would that be frowned upon, the USB ports are blocked on the back end😭… its literally impossible to use a browser other than the secure one. (unfortunately)

I think I’ll give Tangochou a try. It looks promising! Thanks for the help everyone.

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hi! thank you so much for creating tangochou! really made reviewing easier. i was about to review again, but all my decks were gone and i can’t create a new deck. below is the screenshot of the issue. will tangochou be back (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)

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