Extra kanji

I am intellectually honest. I know that 0.01% is less then 5%. I know that creating a program 0.01% would be less useful than for 5%. My argument was that, even given this big difference, it would not be worth it to add so much content compared to, for example, adding synonyms for radicals. Please do not talk down to me like that assuming I’m ignorant while misrepresenting me, it’s quite annoying.


Thanks for the link! I was planning on looking that up myself after work. :smile:

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PS I’m in love with Hikaru on the 東大王 team. Don’t worry, my girlfriend knows. She likes Takushi, heh.


You can watch stations from Japan even without living there through a service called fuji. It’s quite expensive though.
PS why is the full word fuji-tv without the dash censored? It’s not illegal afaik.

I always wanted vocab DLC and Kanji lootboxes for April 1st but support said it could be problematic hehe


fujitv people were on the forums here over-promoting and got themselves banned. I guess that’s probably why.

@Leebo I just watched the first 20 minutes of the latest episode; I may be hooked! (We’ve been looking for something to replace 金の正解!銀の正解! since that seems to be on permanent(?) hiatus.)

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I can’t name more than like 3 Japanese authors off the top of my head, so the first question was pretty much impossible for me. Actually that part of the show might be my least favorite. I like the second section, where they have to be the first to write an answer from a video clue. And of course, the othello game, but the othello game isn’t there every time.

You can name three authors just within the category “Famous Japanese authors who killed themselves”, 太宰治、三島由紀夫、芥川龍之介 (His suicide note is on 青空文庫)

Same here :sweat_smile: but it was interesting to see which Western authors made the list. And the second question was right up my alley since I follow Japanese music. Then we watched the intro to the second section and it looked interesting, but it was midnight, so the rest will have to wait for tonight.

Do they always do the first section with that format? My husband said it reminded him a bit of Family Feud.

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They’ve been doing that recently, but the show changes a lot. If you go back to eps from 2017 they’re pretty different.

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OMG this so much!!
Shinto related category :heart_eyes::jp:

I think this would be very cool. One way to fix having to start from ground 0 would be asking users for already built stuff. The team would then make corrections and verify if everything was correct from their perspective and publish it with their system.

I guess the major problem is really the radicals. It’s better to improve the system first than having to change a bunch of stuff later on.

Would such a small pool of level 60 users make this worthwhile, even so?

I can’t imagine people paying extra for more kanji until they’ve learnt all the ones they can get normally, so it seems like it would still be restricted to level 60 users, unless I guess people had special interests. I can also imagine it causing resentment in a sort of DLC way, especially as you’d also be continuing to pay your monthly fee to maintain general access (unless you have lifetime).

I want to believe this could work though, because the thought of learning any kanji without WK makes me supremely sad.

Plenty of people have expressed that they do have special interests, so I think it would be fine. Take something like “fish” as a category, something people who like Japanese food might be interested in. You’re starting with the fish radical to begin with, and then you can package a bunch together without there being too many late-level radicals.


I’m forgetting the name of the school, but there is a massive Shinto Encyclopedia with all kinds of shit. I came across it when looking for theories on the etymology of Torii.

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This is what I love about kanji. I could tell this was probably “phoneix” just by looking at it.


Or possibly…A zombie bird!!!


EDIT-whoops apparently I am ten days late to this party…:turtle:


how did you even come across this? :laughing:


For some reason it was in my place to click things place…and I…clicked it…


I feel this on a spiritual level
