Was there a rough ETA of when the recently added “Patterns of Use” data for vocab subjects (see screenshot) will be exposed via the API? The current version of the API is a bit outdated (WaniKani API Reference), and does not include it. This would be a great addition to some of the native WK mobile apps (e.g. Tsurukame for iOS) to sit alongside the context sentences
Unfortunately, us mere followers of the Holy Crabigator have no knowledge of Kis ways. Perhaps it already has been implemented and you just need to refresh your universe.
Kinda new here, but was wondering if you could provide any more details with regards to where this sits priority-wise, or if you have an estimate for implementation?
I use Tsurukame extensively, and having this info exposed there would be really neat!
+1 from someone who is learning to code right now and uses the WaniKani API to practice. I spent more time than I’d like to admit to style a mock data patterns of use just to find out later that I cannot actually access that data I find patterns of use to be a super useful study resource as well.