My issue with the example sentences isn’t exactly the ‘Frankensteined’ kanji/hiragana words, but since I’m only at level 1, it’s actually that the sentences are too hard to read, leaving me a bit confused how much attention I should be paying to them.
I say that especially because the unofficial WaniKani FAQ seems to suggest outside studying could be ‘detrimental’ to your SRS learning. I get that the vocab/kanji featured in the example sentences are techncially ‘part’ of WaniKani’s SRS learning, but how much time should I dedicate to studying/understanding each sentence?
It also seems the sentences can be quite grammatically complex/diverse for a beginner, making me question what the standard order of words in a sentence is. I am already doing outside lessons anyhow, but the grammar I have learned so far isn’t advanced enough for some of these sentences.
The sentence content itself is also very unusual at times. I understand the humor and weird scenarios work very well for mnemonics, but not when I’m trying to figure out which part of an example is about one eyed goblins or some other thing that I won’t use in day to day conversation.
The more time I spend on the examples, the less I have for the (crab)meat of WaniKani: learning radicals and specific kanji.