As this is the last week of the ‘case’ portion of Story 1, once you’ve finished the reading, post your thoughts on what you think the answer to mystery is
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Hi! Sorry, I fell behind pretty much right away, and still need to go through the vocab sheet, but I read all the first case yesterday (getting the gist) and I think I have a solution:
Rowena's solution guess
I think Edward is wearing the 腹巻 as a collar and so it has been successfully hidden under all that glorious fur.
Hi, I don’t understand on page 25 the line 雨の日はコートを着せなきゃ.I don’t think I’ve done this grammer, as I not sure what the SE means here, I understand that NaKYA is to have to do something, but I’m confused by the SE in this??? Please will someone pooint me in the right direction on this. Thanks
In this case, 着せる is a word on its own. Whereas 着る is for putting clothes on yourself, 着せる is for putting clothes on someone else (with を here marking the clothing being put on, and if there was に it would mark who the clothes are being put onto).
I imagine it has some root as a causitive form of 着る (which is 着させる), but that’s only a guess.
The なきゃ ending is a contraction of なければ - the negative provisional form. Like you say, this form is used in phrases meaning “have to do something” e.g. テレビを見なければなりません (I have to watch TV).
But it can have other uses too. I would see the basic meaning of this なければ form as “if not doing, then…”
In this sentence - On rainy days, if not being dressed in a coat, he’ll never go outside.
I don’t think there is an obvious answer on this one. Araraoyama says that the dog trains on the indoor equipment, but Spitz doesn’t believe him as he thinks Edward’s coat lacks the lustre of a healthy dog. So maybe the gym equipment is the hiding place? Maybe in that doggy treadmill?
I read this as these three verbs: よる - to approach, いく to go, する - to do
よっていく - this still means to approach, but the 行く is giving it a sense of direction - going to someone to approach them
よっていったりする - the たり form of a verb means “doing things like”. It takes する after it, so now this means - “doing things like approaching”
よっていったりしない - with する in its negative form しない this now means - “not doing things like approaching”
So overall the sentence means - Besides, he doesn’t easily do things like going up to other dogs and humans.
I read it as the dog’s weakness is food, meaning he overeats.
That makes alot more sense. I looked at that sentence for a while and couldn’t get that conclusion. I’m guessing I was confusing topic and subject here. The subject is omitted.
I very much enjoy 尾山 as a character. I’ve seen more than enough anime to know the voice and attitude to read フフフ in his dialogs. Its very cool to get to see that in writing for the first time.
Edit: I enjoyed this week’s story but have no idea where its going to guess at a solution. After reading @Rowena and @Micki , I am impressed at the creativity shown!
Good thing that I am not detective as I also don’t really have a good idea where that thing could be ^^’ Only thing that I could think of is It was smuggled under dog jacket and is among them. The dog clearly doesn’t mind going to rain without jacket so maybe there is another reason why the owner put jackets on the dog?
On the start of page 26, だが、おれだって犬の訓練士だ what does the だって adds to the sentence? I have understood that that is usually too or even or similar thing, but I don’t really see how that would fit the context.
This usage of って is one that I’m a bit weak on. But here’s my understanding.
It’s the same kind of って used for quotes (including indirect quotes), and in a sense is similar to saying “speaking of” in English.
「Speaking of おれだ、犬の訓練士だ」
In this sense, you get a “topic-comment”-like structure, where you are stating a topic (「おれだ」), and making a comment about it (「犬の訓練士だ」).
Here’s how I might write this in English, keeping true to the Japanese grammar: “However, speaking of me, I’m a dog trainer.”
This follows after the other guy saying his dog won’t go out into the rain without a coat on, and precedes Spitz next comment (as a dog trainer) about the negative result of being overprotective.