Direct 'pronounciation to translation' option would be nice

I don’t know if this was discussed before but it would be nice to have the option in wanikani to just hear a word (you previously learned) or see it written in Japanese and have to translate it. My brain always goes to the the kanji then to it’s translation but if I hear the specific word in the wild I can’t translate it or don’t know what it means without seeing a kanji (like we do in wanikani)


While neat, I’m not expecting Wanikani to make this into a listening comprehension app, because, it’s an app about reading.

Initially, it will be hard to recognize spoken words and that’s because it’s a different language skill-set separate from your reading abilities.

I suggest you work on listening comprehension specifically, by taking up the habit of listening to podcasts, anime, Japanese news, JP Dramas or whatever you happen to like. :slight_smile:

Eventually, you’ll start to recognize more and more words and you’ll just know what they mean. You can do it! :+1:

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